Arnulfo and Berenice play the following game: One of the two starts by writing a number from $ 1$ to $30$, the other chooses a number from $ 1$ to $30$ and adds it to the initial number, the first player chooses a number from $ 1$ to $30$ and adds it to the previous result, they continue doing the same until someone manages to add $2018$. When Arnulfo was about to start, Berenice told him that it was unfair, because whoever started had a winning strategy, so the numbers had better change. So they asked the following question: Adding chosen numbers from $1 $ to $a$, until reaching the number $ b$, what conditions must meet $a$ and $ b$ so that the first player does not have a winning strategy? Indicate if Arnulfo and Berenice are right and answer the question asked by them.
Source: OLCOMA Costa Rica National Olympiad, Final Round, 2018 Shortlist LRP1 (Logic Reasoning Probability)
Tags: combinatorics, game, game strategy, winning strategy