Let $P =\{(a, b) / a, b \in \{1, 2, ..., n\}, n \in N\}$ be a set of point of the Cartesian plane and draw horizontal, vertical, or diagonal segments, of length $1$ or $\sqrt 2$, so that both ends of the segment are in $P$ and do not intersect each other. Furthermore, for each point $(a, b)$ it is true that i) if $a + b$ is a multiple of $3$, then it is an endpoint of exactly $3$ segments. ii) if $a + b$ is an even not multiple of $3$, then it is an endpoint of exactly $2$ segments. iii) if $a + b$ is an odd not multiple of $3$, then it is endpoint of exactly $1$ segment. a) Check that with $n = 6$ it is possible to satisfy all the conditions. b) Show that with $n = 2015$ it is not possible to satisfy all the conditions.
Source: OLCOMA Costa Rica National Olympiad, Final Round, 2015 Shortlist LR4 day1 (Logic Reasoning)
Tags: combinatorics, lattice points