Find all functions $f:R -\{0,2\} \to R$ that satisfy for all $x \ne 0,2$ $$f(x) \cdot \left(f\left(\sqrt[3]{\frac{2+x}{2-x}}\right) \right)^2=\frac{x^3}{4}$$
Source: OLCOMA Costa Rica National Olympiad, Final Round, 2013 Shortlist F2 day1 (F = Functions)
Tags: functional equation, functional, algebra
26.09.2021 11:05
parmenides51 wrote: Find all functions $f$ that satisfy $$[f(x)] \cdot \left[f\left(\sqrt[3]{\frac{2+x}{2-x}}\right) \right]^2=\frac{x^3}{4}$$ I suppose that notation $[.]$ means floor function $\lfloor.\rfloor$ I suppose that missing domain of function is $\mathbb R$ I suppose that missing codomain of function is $\mathbb R$ I suppose that missing domain of functional equation is $\forall x\in\mathbb R$ If so, $\boxed{\text{No such function}}$ Just set $x=1$ and $LHS\in\mathbb Z$ while $RHS\notin\mathbb Z$
26.09.2021 11:07
parmenides51 wrote: Find all functions $f$ that satisfy $$[f(x)] \cdot \left[f\left(\sqrt[3]{\frac{2+x}{2-x}}\right) \right]^2=\frac{x^3}{4}$$ Notation [...] in the official document was used only to avoid parenthesis inside parenthesis . I changed it afterwards to avoid misunderstandings.
26.09.2021 11:10
parmenides51 wrote: Find all functions $f$ that satisfy $$f(x) \cdot \left(f\left(\sqrt[3]{\frac{2+x}{2-x}}\right) \right)^2=\frac{x^3}{4}$$ I suppose that missing domain of function is $\mathbb R$ I suppose that missing codomain of function is $\mathbb R$ I suppose that missing domain of functional equation is $\forall x\in\mathbb R$ If so, $\boxed{\text{No such function}}$ Just set $x=2$ and $LHS$ is undefined while $RHS=2$
26.09.2021 11:15
looking at the solution they suppose (in the background) that $f:R -\{2\} \to R$ (e.g. $x \ne 2$) and they don't care whether everything under the third radical is positive or not, I do not know how they behave to such radicals there

26.09.2021 11:20
parmenides51 wrote: Find all functions $f:R -\{2\} \to R$ that satisfy for all $x \ne 2$ $$f(x) \cdot \left(f\left(\sqrt[3]{\frac{2+x}{2-x}}\right) \right)^2=\frac{x^3}{4}$$ Setting $x=0$, we get $f(0)f(1)^2=0$ If $f(0)=0$, setting $x=-2$, we get $0=-2$ If $f(1)=0$, setting $x=1$, we get $0=\frac 14$ And so $\boxed{\text{No such function}}$
26.09.2021 11:24
so probably they suppose $x\ne 0$ (just added it above)
26.09.2021 11:30
parmenides51 wrote: Find all functions $f:R -\{0,2\} \to R$ that satisfy for all $x \ne 0,2$ $$f(x) \cdot \left(f\left(\sqrt[3]{\frac{2+x}{2-x}}\right) \right)^2=\frac{x^3}{4}$$ Just set $x=-2$ and LHS becomes undefined, and so equation wrong. And so $\boxed{\text{No such function}}$
26.09.2021 11:33
I send the official solution (it was not chosen on the contest)