
Source: Puerto Rico TST 2019.6

Tags: geometry, 3D geometry, pyramid, inequalities

Starting from a pyramid $T_0$ whose edges are all of length $2019$, we construct the Figure $T_1$ when considering the triangles formed by the midpoints of the edges of each face of $T_0$, building in each of these new pyramid triangles with faces identical to base. Then the bases of these new pyramids are removed. Figure $T_2$ is constructed by applying the same process from $T_1$ on each triangular face resulting from $T_1$, and so on for $T_3, T_4, ...$ Let $D_0= \max \{d(x,y)\}$, where $x$ and $y$ are vertices of $T_0$ and $d(x,y)$ is the distance between $x$ and $y$. Then we define $D_{n + 1} = \max \{d (x, y) |d (x, y) \notin \{D_0, D_1,...,D_n\}$, where $x, y$ are vertices of $T_{n+1}$. Find the value of $D_n$ for all $n$.