Problem 4. Angel has a warehouse, which initially contains $100$ piles of $100$ pieces of rubbish each. Each morning, Angel performs exactly one of the following moves: (a) He clears every piece of rubbish from a single pile. (b) He clears one piece of rubbish from each pile. However, every evening, a demon sneaks into the warehouse and performs exactly one of the following moves: (a) He adds one piece of rubbish to each non-empty pile. (b) He creates a new pile with one piece of rubbish. What is the first morning when Angel can guarantee to have cleared all the rubbish from the warehouse?
Source: Balkan MO Problem 4
Tags: Balkan Mathematics Olympiad
08.09.2021 20:46
198. Proof: after first morning there will be 99 groups of 99 trash left. We see that after the demons move and angels move combined we get 3 possible outcomes 1. There is -1 pile 2. There is -1 trash from every piles 3. 1 and 2 combined. Since we have 99 piles and 99 groups and every 2 moves at least 1 of them decreases by 1 ( as soon as someone hits 0 it’s game over) we can see that it takes at most 99*2 - 1 moves. Hence the upper bound is (99*2-1)+1 = 198 Lower bound the first 98 times the devil adds 1 to all groups, and then he always adds a new group. I think this works, but there might be a mistake somewhere.
08.09.2021 20:57
This problem is also a UK proposal joint between Sam Bealing (me) and Alexander Betts. Here is the solution we submitted with the problem: The answer is morning $\boxed{2 \times 100-1=199}$. We proceed in two stages: first showing this is achievable and secondly showing that the demon can ensure that there is rubbish left on morning $198$. If the piles have size $\left(x_1,\ldots,x_n\right)$ then define the Angel score to be: $$\textit{Angel score}=-1+\sum_{i=1}^{n}{\min{\{x_i,2\}}}=2 \beta+\alpha-1$$where $\alpha,\beta$ are the number of piles containing $=1$ and $\geq 2$ pieces of rubbish respectively. We claim that Angel requires at most $\max{\{\text{Angel score},1\}}$ days to remove the rubbish. For $\beta=0$, all of the piles have size $1$ so Angel can immediately remove them. We now induct on $(\beta,\alpha)$ in lexicographical order. $\alpha=0$: Let the piles be $\left(x_1,\ldots,x_\beta\right)$ then Angel should remove the $x_{\beta}$ pile leaving $\left(x_1,\ldots,x_{\beta-1}\right)$. The demon can then either leave: $$\left(x_1+1,\ldots,x_{\beta-1}+1\right) \quad \text{or} \quad \left(1,x_{1},\ldots,x_{\beta-1}\right)$$Applying the inductive hypothesis, these require at most $\max{\left\{1,2(\beta-1)-1\right\}}$ and $2(\beta-1)$ days respectively so the Angel will require at most: $$2(\beta-1)+1=2\beta-1=2\beta+\alpha-1$$days to remove the rubbish as needed. $\alpha=1$: Let the piles be $\left(1,x_1,\ldots,x_{\beta}\right)$. The Angel should again remove pile $x_{\beta}$. The demon can leave either: $$\left(2,x_{1}+1,\ldots,x_{\beta-1}+1\right) \quad \text{or} \quad \left(1,1,x_1,\ldots,x_{\beta-1}\right)$$Applying the inductive hypothesis (and $\alpha=0$ case from above) we see these require at most $2\beta-1$ and $2(\beta-1)+2-1=2\beta-1$ days to clear so the Angel can clear the rubbish in at most $2\beta-1+1=2\beta+\alpha-1$ days. $\alpha \geq 2$: Let the piles be $\left(1,\ldots,1,x_1,\ldots,x_{\beta}\right)$ then the Angel should remove 1 from each pile leaving $\left(x_1-1,\ldots,x_{\beta}-1\right)$. The demon can then leave either: $$\left(x_1,\ldots,x_\beta\right) \quad \text{or} \quad \left(1,x_{1}-1,\ldots,x_{\beta}-1\right)$$Applying the inductive hypothesis, the first case requires at most $2\beta-1$ days to clear. For the second case, using the definition of the score, it requires at most: $$-1+1+\sum_{i=1}^{\beta}{\max{\left\{x_{i}-1,2\right\}}} \leq 2 \beta$$Hence the Angel can clear the rubbish in at most: $$2 \beta+1 \leq 2 \beta+\alpha-1 \quad \text{as} \quad \alpha \geq 2$$days which completes the induction. Using the notation from above, we define the Demon score to be: $$\text{Demon score}=\begin{cases} 2 \beta-1 & \alpha=0 \\ 2 \beta & \alpha \geq 1 \end{cases}$$We claim that for $\alpha,\beta$ not both $0$, the demon can ensure that Angel requires $\text{Demon score}$ mornings to clear the rubbish. The base case when $\beta=0$ is clear as the Demon score is $0$. $\alpha=0$: Let the piles be $\left(x_1,\ldots,x_{\beta}\right)$. If Angel removes one from each pile then the demon can just restore the original configuration so WLOG the Angel removes a pile say $x_{\beta}$. Then the demon should add a pile of $1$ leaving the piles $\left(x_1,\ldots,x_{\beta-1},1\right)$ which by the inductive hypothesis takes $2(\beta-1)=2\beta-2$ days to remove so the Angel needs at least $2\beta-2+1=2\beta-1$ days to remove the original piles. $\alpha \geq 1$: Whatever Angel does, the demon should add one to each of the remaining piles. If the Angel removes one from each pile then after the demon's move the number of piles containing $\geq 2$ pieces of rubbish is still $\beta$. If the Angel removes a whole pile, then there will be at least $\beta+\alpha-1 \geq \beta$ piles with $\geq 2$ pieces. So in either case, by the inductive hypothesis, Angel will require at least $2\beta-1$ days to remove the rubbish and hence $2\beta-1+1=2\beta$ days in total completing the induction. In the case of the configuration in the problem, both the Angel and Demon scores are equal to $199$ and hence $199$ days are both necessary and sufficient for Angel to clear all of the rubbish.. Remark: If we let $\alpha,\beta$ as above and define $\gamma=\min{\left\{x_i:x_i \neq 1\right\}}$ (setting $\gamma=1$ if the set is empty). A more detailed analysis shows: $$ \# \text{days required}= \begin{cases} 2 \beta-1 & \alpha=0 \\ 2 \beta & \alpha=1 \\ 2 \beta & \alpha \geq 2 \text{ and } \gamma=2 \\ 2 \beta+1 & \alpha \geq 2 \text{ and } \gamma \geq 3 \end{cases} $$
14.01.2022 00:45
14.01.2022 14:50
The answer is $199$. Let $(a_1,a_2,\dots,a_n)$ denote the warehouse with $n$ piles of $a_1,a_2,\dots,a_n$ pieces of rubbish respectively. Consider the warehouse on a given afternoon, i.e. the angel has moved but the demon has not. We assign the warehouse a score of $$s(a_1,a_2,\dots,a_n)= \begin{cases} 2n-1 & \text{if } \min\{a_1,a_2,\dots,a_n\}=1 \\ 2n & \text{otherwise.} \end{cases}$$An empty warehouse has a score of zero. We claim that the angel requires as many days to clear the warehouse as the score. It suffices to show: (1) The angel can ensure that the score decreases by at least $1$ each day. (2) The demon can ensure that the score decreases by at most $1$ each day. Let the warehouse $(a_1,a_2,\dots,a_n)$ have score $s>0$. Suppose $s=2n-1$. If the demon does $(a_1+1,a_2+1,\dots,a_n+1)$, the angel can, without loss of generality, get the warehouse to either $s(a_1,a_2,\dots,a_n)=2n-1$ or $s(a_1+1,a_2+1,\dots,a_{n-1}+1)=2n-2$. If the demon does $(a_1,a_2,\dots,a_n,1)$, the angel can remove one piece of rubbish from each pile, which empties at least two piles, leaving a score of at most $2n-2$. Suppose $s=2n$. If the demon does $(a_1+1,a_2+1,\dots,a_n+1)$, the angel can remove a pile, leaving a score of $2n-2$. If the demon does $(a_1,a_2,\dots,a_n,1)$, the angel can, without loss of generality, get the warehouse to either $s(a_1,a_2,\dots,a_n)=2n$, $s(a_1,a_2,\dots,a_{n-1},1)=2n-1$ or $s(a_1-1,a_2-1,\dots,a_n-1)=2n\text{ or }2n-1$. Inspecting the two cases shows that (1) and (2) are true in both cases. After the first morning, the warehouse is either $99$ piles of $100$ or $100$ piles of $99$, with scores $198$ and $200$ respectively. The angel will pick the first option, so a total of $1+198=199$ days are required. $\Box$
15.01.2023 13:16
14.12.2024 20:38
Here is a nice proof for the demon's strategy: After the first move, the piles are 99 piles of 100 rubbish. Now we will worsen our situation: We may assume the piles are of size $(100, 99, 98, ..., 2)$. On our move, we will add a pile of $1$ to make the position $(1, 2, ..., 100)$. Claim: to remove the piles $(1, 2, 3, .., n)$, Angel needs at least $2n-2$ moves. We will prove by induction: base cases $n=1, 2$ are trivial. We can observe that no matter what Angel plays the position will become $(1, 2, ..., n-1)$. We'll add 1 to every pile. If Angel takes $1$ away from every pile, we add $1$ to every pile and arrive at the same position. So Angel removes the largest pile, so the position is $(2, .., n-1)$. Now we add a pile of $1$ and arrive at the position $(1, 2, ..., n-1)$ and win by induction. So it takes at least $1+2n-2=2n-1$ moves for Angel to win. Angel strategy: After move $1$ there are $n-1$ piles of more than $1$ rubbish. We claim we can get rid of a pile in $2$ moves. If on one of the $2$ moves the demon didn't add a pile, we just clear $2$ piles and the demon adds at most $1$. If he added $2$ piles, on our second move we will clear both of them. So we cleared at least $3$ piles and he added $2$, so we removed a pile. Do this $n-1$ times and win in $1+2n-2=2n-1$ moves.