
Source: 2021 Taiwan TST Round 3 Independent Study 2-C

Tags: combinatorics, geometry

There are $2020$ points on the coordinate plane {$A_i = (x_i, y_i):i = 1, ..., 2020$}, satisfying $$0=x_1<x_2<...<x_{2020}$$$$0=y_{2020}<y_{2019}<...<y_1$$ Let $O=(0, 0)$ be the origin, $OA_1A_2...A_{2020}$ forms a polygon $C$. Now, you want to blacken the polygon $C$. Every time you can choose a point $(x,y)$ with $x, y > 0$, and blacken the area {$(x', y'): 0\leq x' \leq x, 0\leq y' \leq y$}. However, you have to pay $xy$ dollars for doing so. Prove that you could blacken the whole polygon $C$ by using $4|C|$ dollars. Here, $|C|$ stands for the area of the polygon $C$. Proposed by me