
Source: 2020 Peru IMO TST p3

Tags: combinatorics, lattice points, lattice

Given a positive integer $n$, let $M$ be the set of all points in space with integer coordinates $(a, b, c)$ such that $0 \le a, b, c \le n$. A frog must go to the point $(0, 0, 0)$ to the point $(n, n, n)$ according to the following rules: $\bullet$ The frog can only jump to points of M. $\bullet$ In each jump, the frog can go from point $(a, b, c)$ to one of the following points: $(a + 1, b, c)$, $(a, b + 1, c)$, $(a, b, c + 1)$, or $(a, b, c - 1)$. $\bullet$ The frog cannot pass through the same point more than once. In how many different ways can the frog achieve its goal?