
Source: Croatia 1998 1st Grade P3

Tags: rate, rates, algebra

Ivan and Krešo started to travel from Crikvenica to Kraljevica, whose distance is $15$ km, and at the same time Marko started from Kraljevica to Crikvenica. Each of them can go either walking at a speed of $5$ km/h, or by bicycle with the speed of $15$ km/h. Ivan started walking, and Krešo was driving a bicycle until meeting Marko. Then Krešo gave the bicycle to Marko and continued walking to Kraljevica, while Marko continued to Crikvenica by bicycle. When Marko met Ivan, he gave him the bicycle and continued on foot, so Ivan arrived at Kraljevica by bicycle. Find, for each of them, the time he spent in travel as well as the time spent in walking.