
Source: FKMO 2021 Problem 4

Tags: combinatorics, Sets, FKMO, easy

There are $n$($\ge 2$) clubs $A_1,A_2,...A_n$ in Korean Mathematical Society. Prove that there exist $n-1$ sets $B_1,B_2,...B_{n-1}$ that satisfy the condition below. (1) $A_1\cup A_2\cup \cdots A_n=B_1\cup B_2\cup \cdots B_{n-1}$ (2) for any $1\le i<j\le n-1$, $B_i\cap B_j=\emptyset, -1\le\left\vert B_i \right\vert -\left\vert B_j \right\vert\le 1$ (3) for any $1\le i \le n-1$, there exist $A_k,A_j $($1\le k\le j\le n$)such that $B_i\subseteq A_k\cup A_j$