Several crocodiles, dragons and snakes were left on an island. Animals were eating each other according to the following rules. Every day at the breakfast, each snake ate one dragon; at the lunch, each dragon ate one crocodile; and at the dinner, each crocodile ate one snake. On the Saturday after the dinner, only one crocodile and no snakes and dragons remained on the island. How many crocodiles, dragons and snakes were there on the Monday in the same week before the breakfast?
Source: Moldova 2000 Grade 7 P5
Tags: logic
09.06.2021 17:58
ok so holup since when do snakes eat dragons
09.06.2021 18:10
I think it is $ C:65,D:86,S:49$ If on one day morning it is $x_n ,y_n , z_n $, respectively, next day morning the stats are: $x_n -y_n +z_n, y_n-z_n, y_n-x_n$ respectively. Now proceed backwards
09.06.2021 18:17
SPHS1234 wrote: I think it is $ C:65,D:86,S:49$ If on one day morning it is $x_n ,y_n , z_n $, respectively, next day morning the stats are: $x_n -y_n +z_n, y_n-z_n, y_n-x_n$ respectively. Now proceed backwards But why can't it be 6 snakes, 6 dragons, and 1 crocodile? After the first day, there are no dragons, 5 snakes and 1 crocodile. Then, the crocodile just eats the snakes until there are none of them.
09.06.2021 18:21
centslordm wrote: ok so holup since when do snakes eat dragons since frogs didn't move and the snakes got bored