Does there exist a nonnegative integer a for which the equation ⌊m1⌋+⌊m2⌋+⌊m3⌋+⋯+⌊mm⌋=n2+ahas more than one million different solutions (m,n) where m and n are positive integers? The expression ⌊x⌋ denotes the integer part (or floor) of the real number x. Thus ⌊√2⌋=1,⌊π⌋=⌊22/7⌋=3,⌊42⌋=42, and ⌊0⌋=0.
Source: 2021 EGMO P6
Tags: EGMO 2021, number theory, EGMO, asymptotics, algebra, equation, counting
13.04.2021 15:18
We do very naive bounding on this problem. We only consider m>1, now let Sm=∑mi=1⌊mi⌋≤∑mi=1mi<100mlogm. Thus, if we write this as n2+a, and pick n=⌊√Sm⌋, we must have a≤2n⟹a≤20√mlogm, thus a can take atmost 200√mlogm values for S1,S2,⋯Sm. Now, FTSOC assume that no value of a occurs more than 106 times. Then, we have 200⋅106√mlogm≥m for all m but this is clearly false for large enough m and we are done.
13.04.2021 15:48
The left-hand side equals τ(1)+τ(2)+⋯+τ(m) and now τ(k)≤2√k and √k≤√m would show that the expression is at most 2m3/2 and this gives another possibility for bounding as @above. (Everything which is of order strictly below m2 works!)
13.04.2021 16:13
The answer is yes.
13.04.2021 16:37
For storage ig: The answer is yes.
) But, for any such pair (m,n), we have f(m)-n^2 < f(m) \leq f(M) \leq 10^{100} M \ln(M+1)so f(m)-n^2 can take at most 10^{100} M \ln(M+1) different values. Therefore, there exists an a \geq 0 such that f(m)=n^2+a for at least \frac{\sqrt{M}}{10^{200} \ln (M+1)}such pairs, and the above quantity goes to \infty as M gets arbitrarily large, and so we are done.
13.04.2021 17:08
Let f(m) be the expression \left\lfloor\frac{m}{1}\right\rfloor + \left\lfloor\frac{m}{2}\right\rfloor + \left\lfloor\frac{m}{3}\right\rfloor + \cdots + \left\lfloor\frac{m}{m}\right\rfloor. Then f(2^{2k+1}) \leq 2^{2k}(4k+4) from the known inequalities such as [n] \leq n and 1+\frac{1}{2}+\frac{1}{3}+\frac{1}{4} + \cdots + \frac{1}{2^t} \leq t+1. Then we have 2^{2k+1} integers which are the values of the function f(x) and which are not exceeding 2^{2k}(4k+4). The numbers f(2^{2k}+1), f(2^{2k}+2), \cdots, f(2^{2k}+2^{2k}) are at least 2^{2k}. Then we can get 2^{2k}*2^{k} numbers obtained by subtracting from the set f(2^{2k}+1), f(2^{2k}+2), \cdots, f(2^{2k}+2^{2k}) all the squares from 0 to 2^{k}-1. These 2^{3k} numbers are positive integers with \leq 2^{2k}(4k+4). So, the average number of repeated numbers is equal to \frac{2^{3k}}{2^{2k}(4k+4)}=\frac{2^{k}}{4k+4} which can be arbitrarily large for sufficiently large k.
13.04.2021 17:12
13.04.2021 17:39
The answer is yes. In fact, we prove the following general version: Claim: Consider any function f \colon {\mathbb N} \to {\mathbb N} satisfying f(m) = o(m^2). Then for some a, the equation f(m) = n^2 + a has at least 1000000 solutions (m,n). Proof. We consider triples (m,n,a) satisfying the equation with the additional property that n = \left\lfloor \sqrt{f(m)} \right\rfloor^2. Note this implies a = f(m) - n^2 \in [0, 2\sqrt{f(m)}]. Now, let M be large enough that \max_{m=1}^M f(m) < \frac{M^2}{2 \cdot 10^{12}}. Then there are M triples, but a < \frac{M}{10^6} in each triple. So some a appears 10^6 times. \blacksquare
13.04.2021 19:38
The answer is yes. Let f(m) denote \left\lfloor\frac{m}{1}\right\rfloor + \left\lfloor\frac{m}{2}\right\rfloor + \left\lfloor\frac{m}{3}\right\rfloor + \cdots + \left\lfloor\frac{m}{m}\right\rfloor and d(m) denote the number of divisors of m. First, \begin{align*} f(m) &> \frac{m}{1} + \frac{m}{2} + \cdots + \frac{m}{m} - (1 + 1 + \cdots + 1)\\ &= \frac{m}{2} + \frac{m}{3} + \cdots + \frac{m}{m}\\ &> m\ln\left(\frac{m+1}{2}\right), \end{align*}where we underestimate \frac{1}{2} + \frac{1}{3} + \cdots + \frac{1}{m} with \int_{a=2}^{m+1} \frac{1}{a} = \ln\left(\frac{m+1}{2}\right). Now I claim there exists a positive integer V such that if X is the smallest positive integer with d(X)\ge V , then X > V^2 and \ln\left(\frac{X+1}{2}\right) > (10^6+6)^2. Let p_1^{k_1}\cdots p_{\ell}^{k_{\ell}} be the prime factorization of X with p_1 < \cdots < p_{\ell}, so (k_1 + 1)\cdots(k_{\ell}+1)\ge V. We have p^k > (k+1)^2 for all k\ge 1 when p\ge 5, 3^k\ge (k+1)^2 when k\ge 2, and 2^{k}\ge (k+1)^2 when k\ge 6. For all sufficiently large V, we have \nu_2(X)\ge 6, \nu_3(X)\ge 2, and \nu_5(X)\ge 1, so X = p_1^{k_1}\cdots p_{\ell}^{k_{\ell}} > (k_1+1)^2\cdots (k_{\ell}+1)^2\ge V^2.Then f(X) > X\ln\left(\frac{X+1}{2}\right) > (10^6+6)^2V^2, so the number of perfect squares \le f(X) is at least (10^6+6)V. We also have that d(X)\le 6V, because if not, still assuming that \nu_2(X)\ge 6, \frac{X}{2} satisfies d(\tfrac{X}{2})\ge V, a contradiction. So the number of perfect squares \le f(X-1) is at least 10^6V. Also f(m) - f(m-1) = d(m), the number of divisors of m because \left\lfloor\frac{m}{k}\right\rfloor > \left\lfloor\frac{m-1}{k}\right\rfloor for 1\le k\le m iff m - 1\equiv -1 \pmod k, or k\mid m. So for each perfect square n^2\le f(X-1), of which there are at least 10^6V of, let S be the set of values f(m) - n^2\le d(m) for 1\le m < X such that m is the smallest integer for which f(m)\ge n^2. All values in S are at most d(m) < V, so some value occurs at least 10^6 times, as desired.
14.04.2021 08:57
Consider f(x) be x^{-} ( the greatest square < x ). One has f(x)< 2\sqrt {x} . Call the \text {LHS} g(m) , it is at most m (1+\ln m). The numbers f(g(1)),f(g(2)),\hdots,f(g(N)) are at most 2\sqrt {N}\sqrt {1+\ln N}< N^{\frac {3}{5}}. For N=10^{17}, and by \text {PHP} take N^{\frac {2}{5}} such numbers so that they coincide. Such value is required a , gives at least 10^{\frac {34}{5}}>\text {numerous solutions}.
14.04.2021 21:31
Consider a positive integer m and a bipartite graph with vertices on the left side being 1, 2, \ldots, m, and vertices on the right side being 0,1, \ldots, f(m)-1. Now connect i from the left side with j from the right side if and only if f(i)=n^2+j for some positive integer n. Note that i has \lfloor \sqrt{f(i)} \rfloor neighbours. We can bound f(m) from below with m and from above with 100m \log m as someone already showed in some posts . Now the number of edges in our graph is at least \sqrt{1}-1+\sqrt{2}-1+\ldots+\sqrt{m}-1, which is eventually strictly larger than m^{1+\epsilon} for some small \epsilon>0 (in fact, any \epsilon<0.5 would work). Then, by pidgeonhole principle, one of the vertices from the right side has at least \frac{m^\epsilon}{100 \log m}, which is eventually larger than 1 million.
15.04.2021 07:55
Let, \left\lfloor\frac{m}{1}\right\rfloor + \left\lfloor\frac{m}{2}\right\rfloor + \left\lfloor\frac{m}{3}\right\rfloor + \cdots + \left\lfloor\frac{m}{m}\right\rfloor = D(m) we know ,if F(n)=\sum_{d\mid n} f(d) then \sum_{n=1}^N F(n) =\sum_{k=1}^N f(k)\left\lfloor\frac{N}{k}\right\rfloor So, D(m)=\sum_{r=1}^m \tau (r) . D(m) is known as Dirichlet's fuction of divisors . Using Dirichlet's Hyperbola method it can be shown that , D(x)=\sum_{n\le x} \tau (n) =x\log x +(2\gamma -1)x +O(\sqrt{x}) for a large enough number r we can say that , D(x) < rx\log x if n^2 +a =D(x) then ,n\le \left\lfloor\sqrt{D(x)}\right\rfloor \implies D(x) = n^2 +a \ge \left\lfloor\sqrt{D(x)}\right\rfloor ^2 +a \ge (\sqrt{D(x)} -1)^2 +a = D(x) -2\sqrt{D(x)} +1 +a \Rightarrow a \le 2\sqrt{D(x)} -1 < 2\sqrt{rx\log x} Let, there do not exist a value of a which appear more than 10^6 times , so x\le 10^6 .a \le 10^6 .(\sqrt{rx\log x}) but \lim_{x\to \infty} \frac{x}{\sqrt{x\log x}} \to \infty contradiction !
15.04.2021 16:33
anser wrote: Does there exist a nonnegative integer a for which the equation \left\lfloor\frac{m}{1}\right\rfloor + \left\lfloor\frac{m}{2}\right\rfloor + \left\lfloor\frac{m}{3}\right\rfloor + \cdots + \left\lfloor\frac{m}{m}\right\rfloor = n^2 + ahas more than one million different solutions (m, n) where m and n are positive integers? The expression \lfloor x\rfloor denotes the integer part (or floor) of the real number x. Thus \lfloor\sqrt{2}\rfloor = 1, \lfloor\pi\rfloor =\lfloor 22/7 \rfloor = 3, \lfloor 42\rfloor = 42, and \lfloor 0 \rfloor = 0. This isn't as bad as I expected, in fact a total bait for a P6 (Apparently doing the dumbest thing possible works really well ) The answer is \boxed{\textit{yes}}. For convenience, let S_m = \sum_{i = 1}^m \left \lfloor \frac{m}{i} \right \rfloor. For our entire solution, fix m as a very large positive integer. Claim 01. \sum_{i = 1}^{m} d(i) = \sum_{i = 1}^m \left \lfloor \frac{m}{i} \right \rfloor Proof. We will double count the number of triple (a,b), where a,b \le m such that a \mid b. Fixing a, then there are \left \lfloor \frac{m}{a} \right \rfloor possible values of b. Fixing b, then there are d(b) possible values of a, and we are done. Claim 02. d(n) \le 2 \sqrt{n} for all n \in \mathbb{N}. Proof. Let us count the number of tuples (a,b) such that ab = n. Notice that there are exactly d(n) of this tuple. Furthermore, since \min \{ a,b \} \le \sqrt{n}, and choosing value of one variable uniquely determine the others: then there is a maximum of 2 \sqrt{n} such tuple, implying the bound. Now, we'll provide a bound for S_m: \begin{align*} S_m &= \sum_{i = 1}^m \left \lfloor \frac{m}{i} \right \rfloor = \sum_{i = 1}^m d(i) = \sum_{i = 1}^m 2 \sqrt{i} \\ &< 2 \sqrt{\left( \sum_{i = 1}^m 1\right) \left( \sum_{i = 1}^m i \right)} = m \sqrt{2(m + 1)} \end{align*}Now, choose n = \lfloor \sqrt{S_m} \rfloor for every fixed m. Therefore, we get the bound a \le 2 \lfloor \sqrt{S_m} \rfloor < 2(S_m)^{\frac{1}{2}} = O(m^{\frac{3}{4}})Therefore, for S_1, S_2, \dots, S_m, there are at most O(m^{\frac{3}{4}}) possible values of a. For the sake of contradiction, there is no such a. We will now count the number of (m,n,a) satisfying the equation for a fixed positive integer m. Suppose the number of such pair is X. Then, by our assumption, start by choosing a, then X \le 10^6 \cdot O(m^{\frac{3}{4}}) = O(m^{\frac{3}{4}}). However, each m gives a unique solution of n and a, and therefore X \ge O(m), which implies a contradiction.
15.04.2021 21:26
This problem is easier after seeing
16.04.2021 00:13
Asymptotics go brr. The answer is yes. Define f: \mathbb{Z^+} \to \mathbb{Z^+} as: f(m)=\left \lfloor \frac{m}{1} \right \rfloor + \left \lfloor \frac{m}{2} \right \rfloor + \cdots + \left \lfloor \frac{m}{m} \right \rfloor.Observe that f is unbounded above and nondecreasing. Further, note that: f(m)\leq \frac{m}{1}+\frac{m}{2}+\cdots+\frac{m}{m} \leq m(\ln(m)+1),where the second inequality is well-known from properties of the harmonic series. Also note that f(m) \geq m, which is a very stupid bound but ends up working fine. Now consider the equation f(m)=n^2+a. Instead of fixing a and counting positive integer solutions (m,n), we will instead fix m and count the number of solutions in a. Then, there are clearly exactly \lfloor \sqrt{f(m)} \rfloor possible values that a can take, since there are \lfloor \sqrt{f(m)} \rfloor positive integers n such that n^2\leq f(m), and each one gives a unique nonnegative a. This means that there are exactly: \lfloor \sqrt{f(k)} \rfloor+\lfloor \sqrt{f(k-1)} \rfloor+\cdots+\lfloor \sqrt{f(1)} \rfloorunique solutions (m,n,a) to the equation such that m \leq k. Observe that each of these solutions satisfies a \leq f(k). We now do a bit of bounding. Observe that: \begin{align*} \lfloor \sqrt{f(k)} \rfloor+\lfloor \sqrt{f(k-1)} \rfloor+\cdots+\lfloor \sqrt{f(1)} \rfloor &\geq \sqrt{f(k)}+\sqrt{f(k-1)}+\cdots+\sqrt{f(1)}-k\\ &\geq \left(\sum_{i=1}^k \sqrt{i}\right)-k\\ &\geq \left(\int_0^k \sqrt{i}\right)-k\\ &=\frac{2}{3}k^{3/2}-k=O(k^{3/2}) \end{align*}Also, by Pigeonhole, since a \leq f(k), by Pigeonhole there exists some value 0 \leq x \leq f(k) such that there are at least \left \lceil\frac{\lfloor \sqrt{f(k)} \rfloor+\lfloor \sqrt{f(k-1)} \rfloor+\cdots+\lfloor \sqrt{f(1)} \rfloor}{f(k)+1}\right \rceilsolutions (m,n,a) to the equation such that a=x. Now applying the bounds previously proven, we have: \begin{align*} \left \lceil\frac{\lfloor \sqrt{f(k)} \rfloor+\lfloor \sqrt{f(k-1)} \rfloor+\cdots+\lfloor \sqrt{f(1)} \rfloor}{f(k)+1}\right \rceil &\geq \frac{\lfloor \sqrt{f(k)} \rfloor+\lfloor \sqrt{f(k-1)} \rfloor+\cdots+\lfloor \sqrt{f(1)} \rfloor}{f(k)+1}\\ &=\frac{O(k^{3/2})}{f(k)+1}\\ &\geq\frac{O(k^{3/2})}{O(k\ln(k))}=O\left(\frac{\sqrt{k}}{\ln(k)}\right). \end{align*}But \lim_{k \to \infty} \frac{\sqrt{k}}{\ln(k)}=\infty, so for sufficiently large k there exists some value 0 \leq a \leq f(k) such that the equation f(m)=n^2+a has over one million distinct solutions (m,n), where (m,n) \in \mathbb{Z^+} as desired. \blacksquare
05.05.2021 11:04
Define S_m=\bigg\lfloor\frac{m}{1}\bigg\rfloor+\bigg\lfloor\frac{m}{2}\bigg\rfloor+\cdots +\bigg\lfloor\frac{m}{m}\bigg\rfloor.Let f(m)=S_m-\lfloor\sqrt{S_m}\rfloor^2=2\sqrt{S_m}\cdot\{\sqrt{S_m}\}-\{\sqrt{S_m}\}^2\geq 0,where \{x\} denotes the fractional part of x, as usual. Note that f(m)\leq 2\sqrt{S_m} for all m. Next we do some bounding: S_m\leq \frac{m}{1}+\frac{m}{2}+\cdots \frac{m}{m}=m\cdot H_m,where H_m is the \text{m-}th Harmonic number. Define \{\gamma_n\}_{n=1}^{\infty} as \gamma_n=H_n-\ln{n}. It is a well-known fact that \{\gamma_n\}_{n=1}^{\infty} is a strictly decreasing sequence, which converges to the Euler-Mascheroni constant \gamma =0,57\dots. Therefore H_n=\ln{n}+\gamma_n\leq \ln{n}+\gamma_1=\ln{n}+1We conclude S_m\leq m\cdot H_m\leq m(\ln{m}+1) for all m. Now comes the hardest part of the problem for me: the Pigeonhole Principle. Assume that for all a\geq 0, the number of solutions of the equation S_m=n^2+a is less than some positive integer constant c. In particular this implies that the number of solutions to the equation f(m)=a is also less than c. Fix some (very) large integer M. Let N=\bigg\lfloor \frac{M}{c}\bigg\rfloor and consider the numbers f(1), f(2), \cdots, f(M)If the number of all the different values they take on is \leq N, then by the Pigeonhole Principle there exists a value that is taken on by at least \frac{M}{N}\geq c of these numbers, which is a contradiction. Therefore these numbers cover more than N non negative integers. This implies that there is some m\in \{1, 2, \dots, M\}, for which f(m)\geq N>\frac{M}{c}-1. But this means \frac{M}{c}-1<f(m)\leq 2\sqrt{S_m}\leq 2\sqrt{m(\ln{m}+1)}\leq 2\sqrt{2M\ln{M}}We obtain 2\sqrt{2M\ln{M}}>\frac{M}{c}-1>\frac{M}{2c}\Rightarrow 8M\ln{M}> \frac{M^2}{4c^2}\Rightarrow\frac{\ln{M}}{M}> \frac{1}{32c^2}for all large M. But recall that \lim_{x\to\infty} \frac{\ln{x}}{x} = \lim_{x\to\infty} \frac{\frac{1}{x}}{1}=0 and thus we reach a contradiction.
15.09.2021 12:07
Somehow I find all the write-ups here incredibly unsatisfying, so I will put my write-up over here. FTSOC (Convenience Reasons) let us set S_m:=\left\lfloor\frac{m}{1}\right\rfloor + \left\lfloor\frac{m}{2}\right\rfloor + \left\lfloor\frac{m}{3}\right\rfloor + \cdots + \left\lfloor\frac{m}{m}\right\rfloorAnd consider the quantity, T(m,n):= S_m-n^2. Note that S_m\le m\cdot \left(1+\frac12+\frac13+\ldots+\frac1m\right)<2m\ln (m)We define a map \mathcal M: (m,n)\mapsto T(m,n). Consider the image of the N pairs \left(j,\left\lfloor \sqrt{S_j}\right\rfloor\right) where j\in [N] under \mathcal M. Observe that T\left(j,\lfloor \sqrt{S_j}\rfloor\right)\le 2\left\lfloor \sqrt{S_j}\right\rfloor\le 2\left\lfloor \sqrt{S_N}\right\rfloor <2\sqrt{2N\ln (N)}So these N pairs correspond to non-negative integers \le 2\sqrt{2N\ln (N)}. Hence, there must be some non-negative integer such that at least \frac{N}{1+2\sqrt{2N\ln (N)}}pairs are mapped to it by the pigeonhole principle. Now as \lim_{N\to\infty} \frac{N}{1+2\sqrt{2N\ln (N)}}=\inftywe conclude that the answer is \boxed {\textrm{YES}}.
31.12.2021 03:51
Answer is \boxed{\text{yes}}. Let f(m) denote what is on the LHS and d(m) denote the number of positive integer divisors of m. Claim: f(m)=d(1)+d(2)+d(3)+\ldots+d(m-1)+d(m). Proof: Note that \left\lfloor \frac{m}{a} \right\rfloor is the number of positive integers b\le m so that a|b and d(b) is the number of positive integers a\le m so that a|b. Thus, both of f(m) and d(1)+d(2)+\ldots +d(m) count the number of pairs of positive integers 1\le a,b\le m so that a|b. Thus, f(m)=o(m^2). So the equation is f(m)=n^2+a. We claim that there exists an a where there are at least 10^6 solutions (m,n). Proof: Consider the triples (m,n,a) satisfying the original equation, with the additional constraint that n=\left\lfloor \sqrt{f(m)} \right\rfloor. Then a=f(m)-\left(\left\lfloor \sqrt{f(m)} \right\rfloor\right)^2\implies 0\le a\le 2\sqrt{f(m)} Now since f(m)=o(m^2), we can consider very large c so that \max_{m=1}^c f(m)<\frac{c^2}{4\cdot 10^{12}}. Consider the c such triples, with 1\le m\le c. Then a< 2\sqrt{\frac{c^2}{4\cdot{10^{12}}}}=\frac{c}{10^6}. Thus some a must appear at least 10^6 times.
25.02.2022 11:37
13.09.2022 07:17
Let f(m) = \left\lfloor\frac{m}{1}\right\rfloor + \left\lfloor\frac{m}{2}\right\rfloor + \left\lfloor\frac{m}{3}\right\rfloor + \cdots + \left\lfloor\frac{m}{m}\right\rfloor . The key observation here is that \mathcal{O}(f(n))<n^2. Let f(n)=S_n^2+a_n for a_n < 2S_n+1. Let \lambda(x) denotes the number of positive integers y \leq x satisfying S_y < S_{y+1}. We claim \lim_{x \to \infty} \frac{\lambda(x)}{x}=0. Indeed, this obviously follows from the fact that \mathcal{O}(f(n))<n^2. Now, assume for the sake of contradiction that there exists some constant K for which the number of solutions to a_\ell = c for some constant c is at most K. Indeed, it must follow that for every constant c, there is a positive integer \ell \leq cK+1 where a_\ell \geq c. Thus, there is a function t \colon \mathbb{N} \to \mathbb{N} where a_{t(k)} \geq k and \mathcal{O}(t(n)) \leq n. Recall, k \leq a_{t(k)} < 2S_{t(k)}+1 So, S_{t(k)} > \frac{k-1}{2} where \mathcal{O}(t(n)) \leq n. Thus, S_i grows at least linearly. Contradiction. So, there exists no such constant K. Which implies the equation a_{\ell}=c has arbitrarily many solutions for some choice in c.
25.10.2022 16:01
Here is my solution: And I uploaded the solution with motivation to:
26.11.2023 20:35
Funny asymptote problem. Note that the LHS is equal to c_m = \sum_{i=1}^m d(i) = x \log x + (2\gamma - 1)x + O\left(\sqrt{x}\right) Now, it remains to show by pigeonhole that \sum_{i=1}^{m} \left\lfloor \sqrt{c_i} \right\rfloor \ge C \cdot \left\lfloor \sqrt{c_m} \right\rfloor + O(1) eventually holds for C = 2 \cdot 10^6. However, by taking m large enough such that a^2 < c_{m-C} < c_{m-C+1} < \dots < \sqrt{c_m} < (a + 1)^2 (which follows as the growth rate is at most \ln M), the result follows.
08.01.2024 00:48
Let f(m)=\sum_{i=1}^m \lfloor \frac mi\rfloor and g(i)=i^2-\lfloor \sqrt i \rfloor^2\leq 2\sqrt i+1. Fix m. Consider g(f(i)) for 1\leq i \leq m. Note f(i)\leq 1434i\log i, so g(f(i))\leq 2\sqrt{1434m\log m}+1\leq 3 \sqrt{1434m\log m}.But for sufficently large m, 10^6\cdot 3\sqrt{1434m\log m}<m so such a exists.
31.03.2024 16:43
Let T=2024^{2024}!! denote a ridiculously large number. We show that there exists a such that there are more than T different solutions (m,n). Note that f(m)\leq \frac m1+\frac m2+\cdots+\frac mm = m\left(\frac 11+\frac12+\cdots+\frac 1m \right)<7m\log(m)As m gets larger, \frac{\log(m)}m gets frighteningly smaller. The main idea now is to give construction and then use Pigeonhole Principle. Consider triples (m,n,a) such that n=\left\lfloor \sqrt{f(m)} \right\rfloor. Then, 0\leq a=f(m)-n^2\leq2\sqrt{f(m)}. Now, take large N such that f(N)<\frac{N^2}{2\cdot T^2}. We can ensure this because f(n)=o(n\log n) and for sufficiently large n, we can have f(n)<cn^2 for any constant c>0. Then, for any 1\leq i\leq N, we have f(i)<\frac{N^2}{4\cdot T^2}, as the function is strictly increasing. Note that for each 1\leq i\leq N, the (non negative) value of a obtained is at most 2\sqrt{\frac{N^2}{4\cdot T^2}}=\frac NT. Since there are N values taken, one of the values of a is chosen at least T times by Pigeonhole Principle, as desired. \blacksquare