
Source: 2021 Taiwan TST Round 2 Mock Day 2 P6

Tags: graph theory, combinatorics, Taiwan

Let $k\leq n$ be two positive integers. IMO-nation has $n$ villages, some of which are connected by a road. For any two villages, the distance between them is the minimum number of toads that one needs to travel from one of the villages to the other, if the traveling is impossible, then the distance is set as infinite. Alice, who just arrived IMO-nation, is doing her quarantine in some place, so she does not know the configuration of roads, but she knows $n$ and $k$. She wants to know whether the furthest two villages have finite distance. To do so, for every phone call she dials to the IMO office, she can choose two villages, and ask the office whether the distance between them is larger than, equal to, or smaller than $k$. The office answers faithfully (infinite distance is larger than $k$). Prove that Alice can know whether the furthest two villages have finite distance between them in at most $2n^2/k$ calls. Proposed by usjl and Cheng-Ying Chang