
Source: 2021 Taiwan TST Round 2 Independent Study 2-G

Tags: geometry, circumcircle, geometric transformation, reflection

Let $ABC$ be a triangle with circumcircle $\Gamma$, and points $E$ and $F$ are chosen from sides $CA$, $AB$, respectively. Let the circumcircle of triangle $AEF$ and $\Gamma$ intersect again at point $X$. Let the circumcircles of triangle $ABE$ and $ACF$ intersect again at point $K$. Line $AK$ intersect with $\Gamma$ again at point $M$ other than $A$, and $N$ be the reflection point of $M$ with respect to line $BC$. Let $XN$ intersect with $\Gamma$ again at point $S$ other that $X$. Prove that $SM$ is parallel to $BC$. Proposed by Ming Hsiao