
Source: 2021 Korea Winter Program Test2 Day2 #5

Tags: combinatorics, permutation

For positive integers $k$ and $n$, express the number of permutation $P=x_1x_2...x_{2n}$ consisting of $A$ and $B$ that satisfies all three of the following conditions, using $k$ and $n$. $ $ $ $ $(i)$ $A, B$ appear exactly $n$ times respectively in $P$. $ $ $ $ $(ii)$ For each $1\le i\le n$, if we denote the number of $A$ in $x_1,x_2,...,x_i$ as $a_i$ $,$ then $\mid 2a_i -i\mid \le 1$. $ $ $ $ $(iii)$ $AB$ appears exactly $k$ times in $P$. (For example, $AB$ appears 3 times in $ABBABAAB$)