On a party with $99$ guests, hosts Ann and Bob play a game (the hosts are not regarded as guests). There are $99$ chairs arranged in a circle; initially, all guests hang around those chairs. The hosts take turns alternately. By a turn, a host orders any standing guest to sit on an unoccupied chair $c$. If some chair adjacent to $c$ is already occupied, the same host orders one guest on such chair to stand up (if both chairs adjacent to $c$ are occupied, the host chooses exactly one of them). All orders are carried out immediately. Ann makes the first move; her goal is to fulfill, after some move of hers, that at least $k$ chairs are occupied. Determine the largest $k$ for which Ann can reach the goal, regardless of Bob's play.
Source: IZhO 2021 P5
Tags: combinatorics
09.01.2021 23:05
So this is harder than p6
09.01.2021 23:18
Nersik.883 wrote: So this is harder than p6 yes bro
09.01.2021 23:23
Ann places a person. Call the seat Ann's person sits on $c_0=0$, the seat to the right of it $c_1=1$ and so on. Then look at the seat modulo $3$. If Ann places a person on a seat not congruent to $0$ mod $3$, Bob can place a person next to that person, and make it congruent to $0$ mod $3$. If Ann places it on a seat congruent to $0$ mod $3$, Bob does the same. After all seats congruent to $0$ mod $3$ are occupied, it's Bob's turn. Anywhere he places his person, creates an empty triplet of seats. Ann places her person in the middle. Now if the seat congruent to $1$ mod $3$ is $c_m$, Bob can choose place his person on $c_{m+3}$, and now any move Ann makes can be reversed. We end up at $\frac{99}{3}+1$.
10.01.2021 11:38
@above are you sure ?Because you started from 0 and last seat will be 98 and then you will find that answer is 33.
10.01.2021 12:00
15.01.2021 10:15
$\boxed{\text{Answer=}\, 34}$ Here is a problem where creates anxiety on the solver upon reaching the border of $32,33$ and $34$. Call the players Alice and Bob. $\rule{25cm}{1pt}$ In any moment, call two occupied chairs adjacent if one can travel between these two chairs without passing through another occupied chair. Define their distance to be the number of movements that is needed to do so. (For a diagram see attachment) Identify a configuration of chairs and guests as the set of its distances. Call that position to be $\textit{pure}$ if all those distances is divisible by $3$. Define it to be $\textit{impure}$ if it is not pure, and further define to be $\textit{inadjacently impure}$ of $\textit{I-impure}$ if there are two distances in that configuration which is not divisible by $3$, and they are not located beside each other. To simplify matters (which I didn't do in my original Solution), say a distance (distance can refer to the number, or the two chairs forming it) to be pure if it is divisible by $3$. Again, a distance is impure if it is not pure. A bit more briefing on game moments: call a moment $\textit{before}$ Bob's turn if at that moment, it is Bob's turn and he has yet to make a move, and call a moment $\textit{after}$ Bob's turn if Bob has made his move, and it is now $\textit{before}$ Alice's turn. $\color{green} \rule{25cm}{1pt}$ $\color{green} \textbf{Bob's strategy.}$ We will prove that $k \leq 34$. First we Claim the following: $\textbf{Lemma 1.}$ While the number of occupied chairs before Bob's turn is at most $32$, Bob an keep the position to be pure. $\textbf{Proof 1.}$ Done inductively. Let there still exists at most $32$ occupied chairs before Bob's turn, then it's obvious that before Bob's previous turn, there is at most $32$ chairs too. So, before Alice's last move, Bob has given Alice a pure position. At Alice's turn, she can move a person to a chair beside him (all guests are assumed to be male) or put one person between (inside) a pure distance. Since in this case, it's totally okay for Bob to play passive (his goal is to not increase the number of chairs, anyway) Bob can move the person back in the first case. In the second case, if Alice somehow made the position impure, the position $\textbf{cannot}$ be I-impure, as Alice can only change one pure distance into two impure distances which are beside each other. Bob then can proceed to move the person with two impure distances around him to a chair beside him. $\color{magenta} \textbf{The sneaky part}$ of this Section is the fact that Alice can play along to keep the position pure, and, as we can see in Alice's part later, Alice can give a pure configuration to Bob, forcing Bob to leave his comfort zone of always keeping it pure. For the time being, given that Bob was given a pure position with at most 32 chairs, Bob can add a chair to it in the middle of some distance of at least $6$ to keep the position pure (See diagram in the fourth page of the attachment.) $\blacksquare$ $\color{green} \rule{25cm}{2pt}$ Here, we aren't done yet. When the inevitable happens, that is somehow Alice can give Bob a 33-configuration, or Bob give a 33-configuration to Alice (one of these $\textbf{must}$ happen eventually), how could Bob guarantee his position? Here we actually need another Lemma: but to simplify it, say that after Bob's turn all distances are at most $3$. Then Bob can maintain his position. The proof is simple; since in Alice's immediate turn she cannot move add a guest, she can only move a guest to a chair beside him. Bob then can move back the guest (See $\color{green} \textbf{Extra Notes}$ for more details.) The first 33-config to appear is before Alice's turn. This configuration must be pure, since at Bob's previous turn with exactly $32$ chairs, he must have added a chair and keep the position pure. Basically, this meant that before Alice's particular turn, or after Bob's particular turn, all distances are at most $3$. Then Bob can keep $k \leq 33$. The first 33-config to appear is before Bob's turn. Bob then move an arbitrary person to a chair beside him, and brace for impact. Now Alice has three choices. She can move back the person Bob just moved. Then Bob repeats his action. She moves another person to a chair beside him. Then Bob moves back the person Alice has moved. She makes the distance $(2,2,2,3,\ldots,3)$. Bob then makes the position $(3,1,2,3,\ldots,3)$ or whatever he wants, as long as all distances are at most $3$. Then Bob can secure his objective to keep $k$ below $34$ here, due to the Lemma we just introduced. $\blacksquare$ $\color{red} \rule{25cm}{2pt}$ $\color{red} \textbf{Alice's strategy.}$ The Main Claim is that Alice can give Bob a 33-configuration which is pure or I-impure. (Also a bit hard to write up.) The best way I'd describe her strategy is to intentionally make mistakes which change a pure configuration to an impure one (and notice that she cannot directly make it I-impure.) At his moves, Bob roughly has two choices: not add any guests and fix Alice's mistake, keeping the number of occupied chairs constant; or adding any guest at all. The first case is easily elaborated, the main difficulty here is to construct a strategy for Alice once Bob has worsen the configuration. $\color{blue} \textbf{First Case.}$ Bob has given Alice pure 32-configuration. This happens when he fixes all of Alice's mistakes; Bob must move a person to a chair beside him. Here Alice gives back a 33-pure configuration to Bob. Bob then has no choice but to move a person to a chair beside him. This makes the distance equal to $(4,2,3,\ldots,3)$. Alice then can add a person in the middle of the $4-$distance and ensure $k \geq 34$. $\color{blue} \textbf{Second Case.}$ Instead of Alice making intentional mistakes, say that at some point she has received an intentional mistake from Bob. This means that before Alice's turn, the position is impure. Here we conjure another Lemma similar to Lemma 1: when the number of occupied chairs is 32, we Claim that Alice has total control over the configuration. $\color{magenta} \rule{25cm}{2pt}$ $\color{magenta} \textbf{Lemma 2.}$ While the number of occupied chairs before Alice's turn is at most $32$, and Bob has given Alice an impure configuration in some moment of time, Alice can add one chair and give an I-impure position to Bob. $\color{magenta} \textbf{Proof 2.}$ By PHP, since the sum of all distances is constant $(99)$, there exists a distance of size $4$ or more. If the distance is not 5-length-ed, Alice can always split it into two impure ones --- provided that there is another impure distance somewhere, there are at least 3 impure distances; so the configuration Alice gives Bob must be I-impure. If the distance is length-5, however, Alice would have to look at the distance in its left and in its right. If the impure distance is in its left, Alice will create a distance of length 3 between the left distance and another distance of length $2$. The same happens when the right distance is impure, Alice can just mirror her way of doing it. Similar to $\textbf{Lemma 1}$, Bob can only change at most two adjacent distances. So as long as Alice gives Bob an I-impure position, Bob cannot change it into a pure configuration. So, Alice can force this cycle to keep going. $\blacksquare$ $\blacksquare$ $\color{magenta} \rule{25cm}{1pt}$ So, as long as the number of chairs is at most $32$, Alice can always add a person, and give I-impure configurations to Bob. Once this number reaches $33$, if Bob is the first person to receive a 33-configuration, at his best, he can keep $k = 33$ and give an impure configuration to Alice. Alice then can win by choosing a distance of 4-length or more and simply add a person inside it. The same happens when Alice is the first person to receive a 33-configuration. $\blacksquare$ $\blacksquare$ $\blacksquare$
2INA11-3-6.pdf (327kb)
2INA11-7-10.pdf (468kb)
15.01.2021 14:19
Nersik.883 wrote: So this is harder than p6 Oh, come on, average grade 1,9 against 0,43 for P6. The effect is purely psychological: there were many people who thought they have solved P5 and found they have not. On the other hand, those who thought they have solved P6 were mostly right.
15.01.2021 15:37
guas wrote: Nersik.883 wrote: So this is harder than p6 Oh, come on, average grade 1,9 against 0,43 for P6. The effect is purely psychological: there were many people who thought they have solved P5 and found they have not. On the other hand, those who thought they have solved P6 were mostly right. They gave a lot more partials for 5 than for 6. For p6, it's either you got it or you miss it, while you can make a lot of progress in P5, that's why its average is higher. I think most of my friends who participate also agree that p5 is harder since it's not easy to write it down in the paper.
15.01.2021 16:40
GorgonMathDota wrote: They gave a lot more partials for 5 than for 6. For p6, it's either you got it or you miss it, while you can make a lot of progress in P5, that's why its average is higher. I think most of my friends who participate also agree that p5 is harder since it's not easy to write it down in the paper. 58 7s on P5 against 15 on P6. Very ordinary pleasant combinatorics, only you have to be careful. And writing down is an (or perhaps THE) important part of mathematical profession.
13.02.2022 09:27
I don't think it's possible to write a complete solution in 4.5 hours, even if you solve this problem, and you have to catch up with the rest of the problems.