
Source: Ukrainian TST for IMO 2020, p3 1 round

Tags: geometry, circumcircle, Tangent Line, Angle Chasing, trigonometry, geometry unsolved

Altitudes $AH1$ and $BH2$ of acute triangle $ABC$ intersect at $H$. Let $w1$ be the circle that goes through $H2$ and touches the line $BC$ at $H1$, and let $w2$ be the circle that goes through $H1$ and touches the line $AC$ at $H2$. Prove, that the intersection point of two other tangent lines $BX$ and $AY$( $X$ and $Y$ are different from $H1$ and $H2$) to circles $w1$ and $w2$ respectively, lies on the circumcircle of triangle $HXY$. Proposed by Danilo Khilko