Let x,y,z be pairwise distinct real numbers such that x2−1/y=y2−1/z=z2−1/x. Given z2−1/x=a, prove that (x+y+z)xyz=−a2. (I. Voronovich)
Source: 2014 Belarus TST 3.2
Tags: algebra, system of equations
02.01.2021 03:25
Let p=x+y+z, q=xy+yz+zx, and r=xyz. Clearly r≠0. We car rewrite the given equations as (x−y)(x+y)=z−yyz, (x−z)(x+z)=x−yxy, and (y−z)(y+z)=x−zxz. Because x≠y≠z≠x, by chasing around signs for the differences x−y,x−z,y−z we see that a solution exists if one of the parameters is positive (say x>0) and the other two negative, or one is negative (say x<0)and the other two positive. Specifically, we need x2<|y|2<a<|z|2 in the former case and z2<a<|x|2<y2 in the latter case. The important thing is that in both cases a>0, and pr<0 (and now we see why we could have a2=−pr). Now, multiplying the expressions above we get (x+y)(y+z)(z+x)=−1(xyz)2, or pq=r3−1r2. (1) Adding the original three expressions we get 3a=(x2+y2+z2)−xy+yz+zxxyz, and thus 2r+1r⋅q=p2−3a, or, by using (1), 3(apr)r2=(pr)3−(2r+1)(r3−1). (2) Multiplying the original three expressions we get a3(xyz)=(x2y−1)(y2z−1)(z2x−1) and after some manipulations we get a3r2=(r2+r+1)2+apr(r+1). (3). [Note: we have xz2+x2y+y2z=a(x+y+z)+3, and from (1) we get x2z+y2x+z2y=−2r−1r2−ap−3.] Finally, by squaring and adding the original three expressions we get 3a2=(x2+y2+z2)2−2(x2y2+y2z2+z2x2)+x2y2+y2z2+z2x2x2y2z2−2(x2y+y2z+z2x), or 3a2=(p2−2q)2−2(q2−2pr)+q2−2prr2−2r(−pr2−ap2−3p−q2−pr). (4) [Note: In order to find the value of x3z+y3x+z3y we use the fact that (x2z+y2x+z2y)(x+y+z)=x3z+y3x+z3y+(q2−2pr)+pr.] From (1) and (2) we get p2−2q=3a+r3−1pr3, and q2−2pr=−1p2r4[6(apr)r4+(r3−1)(r+1)(3r2−r+1)]. Substituting into (4) and making sure we keep the quantity apr as our unknown, we get the following quadratic: 3r2(r+1)(apr)2+(r2+r+1)(6r3+2r2−r−1)(apr)+(r−1)(r2+r+1)2(3r2+2r+1)=0. The two solutions are (apr)−=−(r2+r+1) and (apr)+=−(r2+r+1)(r−1)(3r2+2r+1)3r2(r+1). It is easy to check that the (apr)+ solution does not satisfy the system of equations (2) and (3) unless r=1; however, in this case, (apr)+=0, which is not possible. On the other hand, the solution (apr)−=−(r2+r+1) does. In the latter case we get from (2) and (3) that a3=r2+r+1, (pr)3=−(r2+r+1)2, [and therefore (qr)3=−(r−1)2(r2+r+1)], and finally a2=−pr.