Prove that if the real numbers a,b and c satisfy a2+b2+c2=3 then a22+b+c2+b22+c+a2+c22+a+b2≥(a+b+c)212 When does the inequality hold?
Source: Baltic Way 2008
Tags: inequalities, inequalities unsolved
13.11.2008 00:10
limes123 wrote: Problem 2 Prove that if the real numbers a, b and c satisfy a2+b2+c2=3 then ∑a22+b+c2≥(a+b+c)212. When does the inequality hold? Uhh.. I solved it the day after the competition.. A bit too late :/ Cauchy-Swartz gives: (∑a22+b+c2)(∑2+b+c2)≥(a+b+c)2 So we just have to prove: ∑2+b+c2≤12 or a+b+c≤3 which is obvious when a2+b2+c2=3. (a+b+c≤√(1+1+1)(a2+b2+c2)=3)
13.11.2008 00:27
My solution is the same but I thought that if a,b,c are real the proof would be more complicated... Any other solutions?
13.11.2008 00:44
Aaaaa right no, my first idea was to use the Engel's form of CS and I didn't try to prove it in other way.
13.11.2008 10:27
limes123 wrote: Aaaaa right no, my first idea was to use the Engel's form of CS and I didn't try to prove it in other way. A little off topic, but I am a bit curious Did you attend to the Baltic Way for Poland?
13.11.2008 20:03
No. I found the problems on Polish math forum.
13.11.2008 20:55
See here:
26.11.2008 03:08
CS Engel a22+b+c2+b22+c+a2+c22+a+b2≥(a+b+c)26+a+b+c+a2+b2+c2. So it suffices to prove that 6+a+b+c+a2+b2+c2≤12. Note that a2+b2+c2=3, then we only need to prove that a+b+c≤3. But (a+b+c)2=a2+b2+c2+2(ab+bc+ca)≤a2+b2+c2+2(a2+b2+c2)=3(a2+b2+c2)=9. Hence a+b+c≤3 which completes the proof. I'm sorry for some mistakes... Can we use CS Engel for real numbers?
26.11.2008 16:42
Raja Oktovin wrote: CS Engel a22+b+c2+b22+c+a2+c22+a+b2≥(a+b+c)26+a+b+c+a2+b2+c2. So it suffices to prove that 6+a+b+c+a2+b2+c2≤12. Note that a2+b2+c2=3, then we only need to prove that a+b+c≤3 . But (a+b+c)2=a2+b2+c2+2(ab+bc+ca)≤a2+b2+c2+2(a2+b2+c2)=3(a2+b2+c2)=9. Hence a+b+c≤3 which completes the proof. I'm sorry for some mistakes... Can we use CS Engel for real numbers? I don't know what CS Engel is... But it looks very much like Cauchy-Swartz.. And of course you can use negative values! (But remember that the square of a negative number is a positive number, so the biggest side will _always_ be non-negative) It seems like your proof is the exact same as mine.. So take a look at mine post, limes123 question and my answer.
03.12.2008 19:22
Which is actually stronger? Cauchy Engel or cauchy schwartz as such? I feel i have solved a lot of problems including this one using cs.
03.12.2008 19:24
Aravind Srinivas L wrote: Which is actually stronger? Cauchy Engel or cauchy schwartz as such? I feel i have solved a lot of problems including this one using cs. What is Cauchy Engel ?
03.12.2008 19:34
the one that raja oktavin used.
03.12.2008 20:23
Aravind Srinivas L wrote: the one that raja oktavin used. How does that differ from normal cauchy schwartz? I've always know cauchy schwartz as: (a21+...+a2n)(b21+...+b2n)≥(a1b1+...+anbn)2. Is Cauchy Schwartz = Cauchy Engel ???
03.12.2008 21:52
Hey Mathias , this is Cauchy Engel ∑ni=1xiyi⩾ Very useful !
07.12.2008 00:28
Pablo09 wrote: Hey Mathias , this is Cauchy Engel \sum_{i = 1}^n \frac {x_i}{y_i}\geqslant \frac { (\sum_{i = 1}^n x_i)^2}{\sum_{i = 1}^n x_iy_i} Very useful ! Ok. So that's just cauchy swartz a_i^2 = \frac{x_i}{y_i} and b_i^2 = x_iy_i. \iff Cauchy Swartz = Cauchy Engel. QED
11.09.2016 21:53
Very similar to the above, but
11.09.2016 22:12
Using C-S It suffices to prove that (\sum 2+b+c^2)\le 12 or a+b+c\le 3 from C-S 3(a^2+b^2+c^2)\ge (a+b+c)^2
24.12.2020 18:58
This inequality is easy to prove we just have to apply cauchy Schwartz once then we need to prove a+b+c<= 3 now a^2+b^2+c^2>= (a+b+c) ^2\3 so result follows
26.04.2021 22:23
Note that \sum_{cyc} \frac{a^2}{2+b+c^2} \ge \frac{(a+b+c)^2}{9+a+b+c} by Titu's Lemma, so it suffices to show 12 \ge 9+a+b+c \implies 3 \ge a+b+c. But by Cauchy we know (1+1+1)(a^2+b^2+c^2)=9 \ge (a+b+c)^2, so 3 \ge a+b+c.
26.04.2021 22:32
Can we use C-S since a,b,c are real, not necessarily positive?
04.05.2021 20:34
jasperE3 wrote: Can we use C-S since a,b,c are real, not necessarily positive? I guessed everybody used that... Btw, is Engel's form of Cauchy Schwarz is Titu's Lemma?
05.05.2021 02:20
jasperE3 wrote: Can we use C-S since a,b,c are real, not necessarily positive? You could have checked this here instead of asking. SatisfiedMagma wrote: I guessed everybody used that... Btw, is Engel's form of Cauchy Schwarz is Titu's Lemma? And to answer your question yes.
07.05.2021 16:31
But I mean C-S in Engel form.
07.05.2021 16:53
Yes, since a\ge -\sqrt{3}, etc. hence the quantities 2+a+b^2, etc. are all positive. It was also stated in #4.
28.04.2022 03:12
By Titu's Lemma, \sum_{\text{cyc}}\frac{a^2}{2+b+c^2}\ge\frac{(a+b+c)^2}{6+a^2+b^2+c^2+a+b+c}\ge\frac{(a+b+c)}{12}as Cauchy yields (a+b+c)^2\le (1+1+1)(a^2+b^2+c^2)=9. \square