
Source: 2012 Belarus TST 3.1

Tags: geometry, ratio, orthocenter, incenter, Centroid

For any point $X$ inside an acute-angled triangle $ABC$ we define $$f(X)=\frac{AX}{A_1X}\cdot \frac{BX}{B_1X}\cdot \frac{CX}{C_1X}$$where $A_1, B_1$, and $C_1$ are the intersection points of the lines $AX, BX,$ and $CX$ with the sides $BC, AC$, and $AB$, respectively. Let $H, I$, and $G$ be the orthocenter, the incenter, and the centroid of the triangle $ABC$, respectively. Prove that $f(H) \ge f(I) \ge f(G)$ . (D. Bazylev)