Let $ A$ be a subset of the set $ \{1, 2,\ldots,2006\}$, consisting of $ 1004$ elements. Prove that there exist $ 3$ distinct numbers $ a,b,c\in A$ such that $ gcd(a,b)$: a) divides $ c$ b) doesn't divide $ c$
Source: JBMO Shortlist 2006
Tags: number theory, greatest common divisor, algorithm, modular arithmetic, number theory proposed
10.11.2008 22:05
a) We can always find two coprome integers b) assume theese two coprime integers are n,n+1. We can write them in the form $ 2^m\cdot l$. We see that one of them is odd and one is even. Hence if we find another even integer, their gcd will be also even, and theese two integers will be pair (a,b) and c - odd integer. Second case is when we choose all odd integers and one even. If even integer has odd divisor >1, then we take this odd integer and it's odd divisor as (a,b) and c=1. If this even number is $ 2^m$ for natural n, then we take for example (a,b)=(9,3) and $ c=2^m$. I hope there are no mistakes in my proof...
10.11.2008 22:06
coprome=coprime? If so, should then a and b be coprime?
11.11.2008 14:25
Typo ;P coprome=corprime, we take (a,b) coprime => gcd(a,b)=1, and obviously 1|c.
30.04.2012 22:46