
Source: European Mathematical Cup 2020, Problem J2

Tags: number theory, Fibonacci, divisor, Sequence, emc

A positive integer $k\geqslant 3$ is called fibby if there exists a positive integer $n$ and positive integers $d_1 < d_2 < \ldots < d_k$ with the following properties: $\bullet$ $d_{j+2}=d_{j+1}+d_j$ for every $j$ satisfying $1\leqslant j \leqslant k-2$, $\bullet$ $d_1, d_2, \ldots, d_k$ are divisors of $n$, $\bullet$ any other divisor of $n$ is either less than $d_1$ or greater than $d_k$. Find all fibby numbers. Proposed by Ivan Novak.