Alice and Bob are playing hide and seek. Initially, Bob chooses a secret fixed point $B$ in the unit square. Then Alice chooses a sequence of points $P_0, P_1, \ldots, P_N$ in the plane. After choosing $P_k$ (but before choosing $P_{k+1}$) for $k \geq 1$, Bob tells "warmer'' if $P_k$ is closer to $B$ than $P_{k-1}$, otherwise he says "colder''. After Alice has chosen $P_N$ and heard Bob's answer, Alice chooses a final point $A$. Alice wins if the distance $AB$ is at most $\frac 1 {2020}$, otherwise Bob wins. Show that if $N=18$, Alice cannot guarantee a win.
Source: Baltic Way 2020, Problem 10
Tags: combinatorics, combinatorics proposed
17.11.2020 20:03
05.04.2021 20:22
Notice that if we can show that in the worst case scenario, Alice is unable to win with the optimized algorithm, then we are done. Notice that if $P_k$ is "warmer" than $P_{k+1},$ this just means that if I draw the perpendicular bisector of $P_kP_{k+1}$ and this splits the remaining possible area into two regions, then that means the region containing $P_k$ also contains $B$. Notice that we just want to minimize the larger area, and evidently, if we make the two areas $m_1$ and $m_2,$ then $m_1+m_2=1\implies 2max(m_1,m_2)\geq 1\implies max(m_1,m_2)\geq \frac{1}{2}$ of the remaining possible area. (Notice that we can assume the perpendicular bisector of the two points divides the remaining possible area into two regions because if it doesn't even intersect the area, then the whole area is a region, clearly non-optimal). This minimum case is achievable because there obviously exists a line which divides the remaining area into two equal parts which does not pass through $P_k,$ and reflection $P_k$ over this line is sufficient to make it so that Bob's response halves the possible area. Therefore, after hearing Bob's comments for $P_1, \cdots P_{18},$ the best Alice can gurantee the area down to is $\frac{1}{2^{18}}$. Notice that if Alice can guarantee a win, she can put a disk which complete covers the square, meaning that $\pi \cdot \frac{1}{2020^2}\geq \frac{1}{2^{18}}$ must be true. However, this rearranges to $\pi \geq \frac{2020^2}{2^18} > \frac{1024^2}{2^{18}}=4$, clearly a contradiction. We are done.