Source: 7th Iranian Geometry Olympiad (Elementary) P3
Tags: geometry, IGO
05.11.2020 19:56
I like this problem the best in 7th IGO. See the picture for an easy generalization with cut and jigsaw proof.

05.11.2020 21:36
buratinogigle wrote: I like this problem the best in 7th IGO. See the picture for an easy generalization with cut and jigsaw proof. Dear my teacher, I absolutely agree with you.
15.09.2021 08:13
dungnguyentien wrote: One solution for this problem. It would be $x+y+z=y+(z+x)>y+t>2a$ instead of $2c$ right?
18.12.2022 11:25
According to the figure, three equilateral triangles with side lengths $a,b,c$ have one common vertex and do not have any other common point. The lengths $x, y$, and $z$ are defined as in the figure. Prove that $3(x+y+z)>2(a+b+c)$. Proposed by Mahdi Etesamifard