
Source: Italy National Olympiad 2020 P5

Tags: function, number theory, prime numbers

Le $S$ be the set of positive integers greater than or equal to $2$. A function $f: S\rightarrow S$ is italian if $f$ satifies all the following three conditions: 1) $f$ is surjective 2) $f$ is increasing in the prime numbers(that is, if $p_1<p_2$ are prime numbers, then $f(p_1)<f(p_2)$) 3) For every $n\in S$ the number $f(n)$ is the product of $f(p)$, where $p$ varies among all the primes which divide $n$ (For instance, $f(360)=f(2^3\cdot 3^2\cdot 5)=f(2)\cdot f(3)\cdot f(5)$). Determine the maximum and the minimum possible value of $f(2020)$, when $f$ varies among all italian functions.