
Source: Iranian National Olympiad (3rd Round) 2008

Tags: combinatorics proposed, combinatorics

$ n$ people decide to play a game. There are $ n-1$ ropes and each of its two ends are in hand of one of the players, in such a way that ropes and players form a tree. (Each person can hold more than rope end.) At each step a player gives one of the rope ends he is holding to another player. The goal is to make a path of length $ n-1$ at the end. But the game regulations change before game starts. Everybody has to give one of his rope ends only two one of his neighbors. Let $ a$ and $ b$ be minimum steps for reaching to goal in these two games. Prove that $ a=b$ if and only if by removing all players with one rope end (leaves of the tree) the remaining people are on a path. (the remaining graph is a path.)