On a blackboard there are $ n \geq 2, n \in \mathbb{Z}^{+}$ numbers. In each step we select two numbers from the blackboard and replace both of them by their sum. Determine all numbers $ n$ for which it is possible to yield $ n$ identical number after a finite number of steps.
I think the result holds for every n.
Lets go in reverse. Suppose we had n identical numbers on the board. Then , we could replace any two numbers such that the sum of the new numbers is equal to their initial occupants. Now here's a number set with the given property. This way, can't we say that every number n has the given property?
Have I misunderstood the problem? Or is the claim supposed to be proved for a given arbitrary set of numbers?
Hi, lajanugen, I think they require solution for arbitrary set of numbers.
My Solution:
It is always possible to equate all numbers iff $ n$ is even.
First we prove that for all odd $ n$, there exists some $ n$-tuple such that it's impossible to equate all numbers.
Consider the $ n$-tuple $ (2,2,\cdots ,2,2,1)$ (total odd numbers)
Suppose to the contrary that it is possible to yield equal numbers.
i.e. $ m,m,\cdots ,m,m,m$
Clearly $ m>2$
Note that if the operation $ (a,b)\to (a+b,a+b)$ can get $ (2,2,\cdots ,2,2,1)\to(m,m,\cdots ,m,m,m)$
Then the reverse operation $ (p,p)\to (q,p-q)$ can get $ (m,m,\cdots ,m,m,m)\to(2,2,\cdots ,2,2,1)$
Note that the operation $ (p,p)\to (q,p-q)$ decreases both numbers.
The operation must act on each $ m$ in the set $ (m,m,\cdots ,m,m,m)$
Also this reverse operation requires both numbers to be equal.
Thus it will always act on the $ m$s in pairs.
But there are odd number of $ m$s.
Hence there will remain one $ m$ on which this reverse operation never acts.
Now it remains to prove that for all even $ n$ every $ n$-tuple can be transformed into equal numbers.
Lets treat the $ n$-tuple as a $ m$-tuple of pair of elements of the $ n$-tuple. ($ n=2m$)
That is $ (a_1,a_2,\cdots ,a_n)=((a_1,a_2),(a_3,a_4),\cdots ,(a_{2m-1},a_{2m}))$
Lets do the operation on the 2 elements of each pair.
Let $ b_i=(a_{2i-1}+a_{2i},a_{2i-1}+a_{2i})$
$ ((a_1,a_2),(a_3,a_4),\cdots ,(a_{2m-1},a_{2m}))\to (b_1,b_2,\cdots ,b_m)$
(From now the two elements of each pair will never be different)
Suppose $ b_i=(a,a),b_j=(b,b)$
$ (b_i,b_j)\to (b_i+b_j,b_i+b_j)$ is equivalent to $ ((a,a),(b,b))\to ((a+b,a+b),(a+b,a+b))$.
which is the composition of 2 original operations.
Actually now we treat the $ n$-tuple as an $ m$-tuple.
also note that we now have a extra operation: we can multiply some $ b_i$ by $ 2$ whenever we like, because $ (a,a)\to (2a,2a)$
Thus at some point we can multiply powers of $ 2$ to some $ b_i$s so that the largest power of 2 dividing $ b_i$ are same for all $ b_i$
Let $ o(x)$ denote the largest odd divisor of $ x$.
If $ b_i\not =b_j$ have the same largest power of $ 2$ then note that
$ o(b_i+b_j)<\max(o(b_i),o(b_j))$
(It's not hard to see, because the sum of odd numbers is even)
At some particular state of the blackboard define $ l,s$ such that for all $ i$, $ o(b_l)\ge o(b_i)\ge o(b_s)$
Now the strategy of obtaining all equal numbers is:
$ \boxed{}$ operate pairs of the $ n$-tuple and make equal to get it into $ (b_1,b_2,\cdots b_m)$ form.
$ \boxed{}$ get all numbers into equal largest powers of $ 2$
$ \boxed{}$ operate on $ (b_l,b_s)$
$ \boxed{}$ get all numbers into equal largest powers of $ 2$
$ \boxed{}$ operate on $ (b_l,b_s)$
$ \boxed{}$ get all numbers into equal largest powers of $ 2$
$ \boxed{}$ operate on $ (b_l,b_s)$
$ \cdots$
Now it remains to prove that this strategy will yield equal numbers within finite number of steps.
After all "operate on $ (b_l,b_s)$" steps, the-largest-odd-number-dividing-at-least-one-$ b_i$ decrease unless $ o(b_l)=o(b_s)$
But the-largest-odd-number-dividing-at-least-one-$ b_i$ can't decrease indefinitely.
Hence, after finite number of steps, $ o(b_l)=o(b_s)$
But $ o(b_l)=o(b_s)$ implies $ o(b_i)$ is same for all $ i$
And then we can equate the largest power of $ 2$ of all $ b_i$
Now we have all equal numbers.
$ 3,10,7,9,4,6$
$ 13,13,16,16,10,10$
$ 26,26,16,16,20,20$
$ \cdots$
$ 2^4\cdot 13,2^4\cdot 13,2^4\cdot 1,2^4\cdot 1,2^4\cdot 5,2^4\cdot 5$
$ 2^4\cdot 14,2^4\cdot 14,2^4\cdot 14,2^4\cdot 14,2^4\cdot 5,2^4\cdot 5$
(from now there won't be any unnecessary repeatations.)
$ 2^5\cdot 7,2^5\cdot 7,2^5\cdot 5$
$ 2^5\cdot 7,2^5\cdot 12,2^5\cdot 12$
$ 2^7\cdot 7,2^7\cdot 3,2^7\cdot 3$
$ 2^7\cdot 10,2^7\cdot 10,2^7\cdot 3$
$ 2^8\cdot 5,2^8\cdot 5,2^8\cdot 3$
$ 2^8\cdot 5,2^8\cdot 8,2^8\cdot 8$
$ 2^{11}\cdot 5,2^{11}\cdot 1,2^{11}\cdot 1$
$ 2^{11}\cdot 6,2^{11}\cdot 6,2^{11}\cdot 1$
$ 2^{12}\cdot 3,2^{12}\cdot 3,2^{12}\cdot 1$
$ 2^{12}\cdot 3,2^{12}\cdot 4,2^{12}\cdot 4$
$ 2^{14}\cdot 3,2^{14}\cdot 1,2^{14}\cdot 1$
$ 2^{14}\cdot 4,2^{14}\cdot 4,2^{14}\cdot 1$
$ 2^{16}\cdot 1,2^{16}\cdot 1,2^{16}\cdot 1$
(Note that it might have terminated before reaching all powers of $ 2$, but that doesn't matter)
The solution might look big. It looks big because I have tried to explain things in detail.
Please someone check if my solution is understandable/true.
And reply.
MEMO = Middle European Math Olympiad
and Team means its from the team competition.
If $ n$ is odd, then start with the numbers $ (2,2,1,\dots,1)$. Because we always have either a new maximal value which occurs twice or the total number of maximal values increases by two, there is always an even amount of maximal values, so there can't be $ n$ equal numbers ($ n$ is odd).
If $ n$ is even, group the numbers in pairs like Akashnil did. Now we define the permutation $ \sigma$ as follows: If $ a_i$ is even, then $ \sigma_i = i$, and if $ a_i$ and $ a_j$ are both odd, then $ a_i > a_j \iff a_{\sigma_i} < a_{\sigma_j}$ (that is, the odd numbers are sorted in the opposite way). Note that $ \sigma\circ\sigma$ is the identity, so all cycles have length of no more than 2. Now, if $ a_i$ is odd, then replace it and $ a_{\sigma_i}$ by $ a_i+a_{\sigma_i}$ (obviously, this is done only once for each pair). Then all numbers are even, and dividing by 2 won't change the result in any way. Now set $ f(a) = \sum_{i=1}^m a_i^2$ and identify the algorithm with a function $ \phi$. Then
$ f(a)-f(\phi(a)) = \sum_{i=1}^m a_i^2 - \left(\sum_{a_i\text{ even}} \frac{a_i^2}{4}+\sum_{a_i\text{ odd}} \left(\frac{a_i-a_{\sigma_i}}{2}\right)^2\right) = \frac{3}{4}\sum_{a_i\text{ even}} a_i^2 + \sum_{a_i\text{ odd}} \left(\frac{a_i-a_{\sigma_i}}{2}\right)^2 \ge 0$
shows that iteration of $ \phi$ will make $ f$ decrease. However, $ f$ must be nonnegative; so $ f$ must be constant from some point on, and this is only the case if there are no even numbers and $ a_{\sigma_i} = a_i$, but by the definition of $ \sigma$, this means that minimum and maximum must be equal, and thus that all numbers must be equal.
This problem, where the numbers are real numbers instead of positive integers, and where the operation is addition instead of multiplication is also true - came out in a national TST.