Given two circles $(O_1)$ and $(O_2)$ intersect at $A$ and $B$. Let $d_1$ and $d_2$ be two lines through $A$ and be symmetric with respect to $AB$. The line $d_1$ cuts $(O_1)$ and $(O_2)$ at $G, E$ ($\ne A$), respectively, the line $d_2$ cuts $(O_1)$ and $(O_2)$ at $F, H$ ($\ne A$), respectively, such that $E$ is between $A, G$ and $F$ is between $A, H$. Let $J$ be the intersection of $EH$ and $FG$. The line $BJ$ cuts $(O_1), (O_2)$ at $K, L$ ($\ne B$), respectively. Let $N$ be the intersection of $O_1K$ and $O_2L$. Prove that the circle $(NLK)$ is tangent to $AB$.