Four integers are marked on a circle. On each step we simultaneously replace each number by the difference between this number and next number on the circle, moving in a clockwise direction; that is, the numbers $ a,b,c,d$ are replaced by $ a-b,b-c,c-d,d-a.$ Is it possible after 1996 such to have numbers $ a,b,c,d$ such the numbers $ |bc-ad|, |ac - bd|, |ab - cd|$ are primes?
Source: IMO Shortlist 1996, N1
Tags: number theory, prime numbers, game, invariant, IMO Shortlist
09.08.2008 19:02
Answer. No. Solution. Obviously, after the first step the sum of $ a,b,c$ and $ d$ is zero.So after $ 1996$ steps we will have that $ a+ b + c + d = 0$. So we get the following relations: $ ab - cd = ab + c(a + b + c) = (c + a)(c + b)$ $ ac - bd = ac + b(a + b + c) = (b + a)(b + c)$ $ bc - ad = bc + a(a + b + c) = - (a + b)(a + c)$ So we get that: $ |ab - cd|\cdot|ac - bd|\cdot|ad - bc| = (a + b)^2(b + c)^2(c + a)^2$ But the product of three primes can't be a perfect square, so the answer is no.
15.02.2009 19:05
Indeed, the problem is quite simple. If I am not missing something, it's clear that after at most four moves all the numbers must be even (simple casework), and the numbers will thereafter remain even; then each of the differences in question is divisible by 4, so they are obviously not prime. QED
14.05.2014 17:55
Really.....when you see this kind of problems you feel that the quality of ISL is decreasing,but when you see certain other problems you really want to have a go at the ISL problems
27.02.2019 10:44
Trivial. Suppose that at the $1995^{\text{th}}$ step the numbers on the circle are $w,x,y,z$ (in that order). Then we have $$|bc-ad|=|(x-y)(y-z)-(w-x)(z-w)|=|(w-y)(w+y-x-z)|$$$$|ac-bd|=|(w-x)(y-z)-(x-y)(z-w)|=|(w-y)(x-z)|$$$$|ab-cd|=|(w-x)(x-y)-(y-z)(z-w)|=|(x-z)(w+y-x-z)|$$For these three numbers to be prime, we must have either $|w+y-x-z|=|w-y|=1$ or $|w+y-x-z|=|x-z|=1$ or $|x-z|=|w-y|=1$, all of which contradict the fact that $1$ is not a prime. Done.