Let $n$ be an odd positive integer. Some of the unit squares of an $n\times n$ unit-square board are colored green. It turns out that a chess king can travel from any green unit square to any other green unit squares by a finite series of moves that visit only green unit squares along the way. Prove that it can always do so in at most $\tfrac{1}{2}(n^2-1)$ moves. (In one move, a chess king can travel from one unit square to another if and only if the two unit squares share either a corner or a side.) Proposed by Nikolai Beluhov
Source: 2020 Cyberspace Mathematical Competition P4, by Nikolai Beluhov
Tags: combinatorics, cyberspace
15.07.2020 05:32
3:30 and got nowhere
15.07.2020 05:38
I heard that this problem is proposed by Nikolai Beluhov. Can someone confirm?
15.07.2020 05:40
15.07.2020 05:49
Oops, redacted because completely incorrect.
15.07.2020 05:57
@above oh but we don't have solutions i've heard official solution involves tiling. does anyone have the details?
15.07.2020 06:17
insertionsort wrote: Assume a spiral of green squares from the upper-left most corner square of a $7 \times 7$ chessboard (which we can label $(0, 0)$) to the square $(4, 2)$ (3rd row, 5th column). Start the king at $(0, 0)$. The only way the king can get to $(4, 2)$, and travel along green squares is using 30 moves (a distance of 31 squares) by traveling along the spiral. As this is more than condition ($\frac{1}{2}(7^2-1)=24$), is the claim false? The king can skip a corner (because the king can move diagonally).
15.07.2020 06:20
Thanks, then that means the bound is perfect for a spiral, because we remove six corners, which is $30 - 6 = 24 = \frac{1}{2}(7^2-1)$.
15.07.2020 17:38
Don't think, it's a hard one. Suppose, on the contrary, there exists a configuration with $m>\frac{1}{2}(n^2-1)$ moves. So we have a path $k_0,k_1,\dots,k_m$ which cannot be shortened. It means $k_0,k_2,k_4,\dots, k_r$ (where $r=m$ or $r=m-1$ depending on the parity of $m$ ) are not adjacent, i.e. the king cannot go between any two of them with one move. It means if we dispose kings in those positions they do not beat each other. It's a pretty well know their number is at most $\lfloor \frac{n^2}{4}\rfloor$ , which brings a contradiction. To prove that fact one can tile the chessboard with $2\times 2$ squares. In any such square only one king is placed.
15.07.2020 18:56
dgrozev wrote: Don't think, it's a hard one. Suppose, on the contrary, there exists a configuration with $m>\frac{1}{2}(n^2-1)$ moves. So we have a path $k_0,k_1,\dots,k_m$ which cannot be shortened. It means $k_0,k_2,k_4,\dots, k_r$ (where $r=m$ or $r=m-1$ depending on the parity of $m$ ) are not adjacent, i.e. the king cannot go between any two of them with one move. It means if we dispose kings in those positions they do not beat each other. It's a pretty well know their number is at most $\lfloor \frac{n^2}{4}\rfloor$ , which brings a contradiction. To prove that fact one can tile the chessboard with $2\times 2$ squares. In any such square only one king is placed. $n$ is not divisible by $2$. I think there is more work to be done. Well your claim is false for $3 \cdot 3$, you can actually put $4$ kings. Nikolai won't go down that easily.
15.07.2020 19:24
You're right! It was the first thing I thought of, but apparently it's deeper! My bad! Ok, it's a nice problem then!
16.07.2020 02:47
Proves a weaker bound. We consider a shortest path $p$ between two points. Claim: In any row or column, there's at most $n-1$ squares in $p$. Proof: If not, all squares in the row/column are part of $p$. Case 1: $p$ enters the row/column, going to all the squares in it, and then leaves. Then $p$ enters the row/column on one of the squares on the ends. But then we could go diagonal to the square next to the square on the end and shorten $p$. Case 2: $p$ enters the row/column after leaving it. Then we must have two adjacent squares, say $1$ and $2$ such that $p$ traveled to $1$ before leaving and $p$ traveled to $2$ after coming back. Then we could shorten $p$ by going from $1$ to $2$. $\quad \square$ Claim: We either have $p$ has at most $n$ squares in any two adjacent rows or $p$ has at most $n$ squares in any two adjacent columns Proof: Consider two adjacent rows $r_1$ and $r_2$ first, the case for two adjacent columns is similar. Every time $p$ enters $r_1$ or $r_2$, in every column $p$ visits, $p$ can visit only $1$ square from $r_1 \cup r_2$ or else the path can be shortened. The only exception occurs when $p$ visits only $1$ column, in which case $p$ can visit both squares in that column. Furthermore, after $p$ leaves and comes back, it cannot visit any column adjacent to the already visited columns or else the path can be shortened. Combining these insights together, $p$ can only visit more than $n$ squares if $p$ travels to both squares in every other column. In this case, we can apply the same reasoning to every two adjacent columns, except we don't need to worry about this case for the columns because $p$ doesn't have two squares in the same row and adjacent columns. $\quad \square$ Now, considering the first $\frac{n-1}{2}$ pairs of adjacent rows/columns and the last row/column, we have at most $$\frac{n-1}{2}\cdot n + (n-1) = \frac{n^2+n-1}{2}$$squares in our path, so at most $\frac{n^2+n-3}{2}$ moves required.
18.07.2020 14:30
insertionsort wrote: Thanks, then that means the bound is perfect for a spiral, because we remove six corners, which is $30 - 6 = 24 = \frac{1}{2}(7^2-1)$.

21.07.2020 10:30
Since no solutions have been posted yet: I will post the official solution.
01.08.2020 23:39
Construct the longest possible path. This path will consist of some number of straight all-green segments connected only at the corners and with non-green straight segments between each green segment. The segments must be described because without the separation the path could be shortened by crossing prematurely between the segments, and the segments are straight because a $1\,\text {wide gap} $ is insufficient for the diagonal segments. Thus the straight segments are more space filling. Note that, every corner must have one fewer required move than expected because of the allowed diagonal moves. King can always cut corners, so to speak. The longest possible path without cutting the corners is evidently $n*\frac{(n+1)}{2}+\frac {(n-1)}{2}-1=\frac {(n^2-1)}{2}+n-1$ We used $-1$ because the king's starting square is not a move. Such a path always has at least $2*\frac {(n-1)}{2}=n-1$ corners. Cutting the corners we have $\frac {(n^2-1)}{2}+n-1-(n-1)=\frac {(n^2-1)}{2} $ moves in the longest possible path. It could be solved directly by counting the largest length of a optimal path between two arbitrary cells $A,B$ on the board. The optimal properties and how the king could move. There does not exist $\mathrm{L-turn} $ in that path. Obtain the largest path when it has a spiral shape from the centre to the most outer cell. Total length of the spiral $3(n-2)+2 (n-4)+\hdots+3=n-1+2\sum_1^{(n-2)}=\frac{(n^2-1)}{2} $
01.12.2020 00:09
Physicsknight wrote:
We do not know that we can get the longest possible path by cutting corners from an other path.
04.01.2023 11:04
See https://arxiv.org/abs/2301.01152. This problem is Theorem 2, proved in Section 4. Then Section 5 has a description of all paths which attain the maximum. Edit: Published in Enumerative Combinatorics and Applications, volume 3, issue 2, 2023, https://doi.org/10.54550/ECA2023V3S2R16.
29.06.2024 08:13
New solution? Differs hard from the Beluhov solution but I can't find a fakesolve in it for now. DM me if you can. It also works for two other equality cases found in Beluhov's paper. 50 MOHS sadness.