A $ 4\times 4$ table is divided into $ 16$ white unit square cells. Two cells are called neighbors if they share a common side. A move consists in choosing a cell and the colors of neighbors from white to black or from black to white. After exactly $ n$ moves all the $ 16$ cells were black. Find all possible values of $ n$.
Source: JBMO 2008 Problem 4
Tags: linear algebra, matrix, vector, combinatorics proposed, combinatorics
26.06.2008 06:47
By considering parity, $ n$ must be even. If $ a$ is a possible value of $ n$, then $ a+2$ is also a possible value of $ n$, because we can choose the same square for the $ a+1$-th and the $ a+2$-th move. If $ a$ is the least possible value of $ n$, then the answer is $ a,a+2,a+4,\ldots$. Now, we have to find the least possible value of $ n$. I have yet to find this least value. It is quite hard for me. By the way, I played this kind of game in my computer, and I finished it after about 80 moves.
27.06.2008 01:25
There's a (tedious if written out) solution to this problem that goes as follows: We can view this problem as a matrix equation $ Ax=b$ over the field of two elements, where $ A$ is the $ 16 \times 16$ incidence matrix representing which buttons effect which lights, and $ b$ is the vector where every entry is 1. Gaussian elimination reveals that $ A$ has rank 12, and we can explicitly write down all 16 solutions over $ F_2$. A button sequence works iff it corresponds to one of these 16 modulo 2. The answer is therefore the collection of all numbers of the form $ m+2n$, where $ m$ is the number of nonzero entries in one of our 16 finite field solutions, and $ n$ is any nonnegative integer. The actual computation of the 16 solutions in question I leave to the bored reader.
28.06.2008 22:55
Hmn. I just used very simple casework. All deduction really. If anyone interested:

29.06.2008 04:11
The question as posted is rather unclear...I had been assuming that the selected square also changes color.
29.06.2008 04:42
kevinatcausa wrote: The question as posted is rather unclear...I had been assuming that the selected square also changes color. I think your assumption is correct.
29.06.2008 04:58
Quote: A move consists in choosing a cell and [changing] the colors of neighbors from white to black or from black to white. The sentence seems to be logically missing that verb, which means that the selected square does not change color. Can the poster clarify?
29.06.2008 10:08
It changes selected square and neighbors squares also.
29.06.2008 16:15
Yes.. Sorry for my missed word. "A move" consists in choosing a cell and changing the colors of this cell and its neighbors from white to black or from black to white."
30.06.2008 01:57
By a move we can cover the table with 3,4 or 5 cells. Let us prove that we need at least 4 moves.
Then next step is to prove that we can color the table in 4 moves.
Next step to prove that we can color the table in $ 2k$ moves, where $ k \ge 2$.
To take the last 5 points you need to prove that you can't obtain the black table in an odd number of moves.
30.06.2008 14:16
i think you missread the problem or i missread the problem:)! The MOVE i think it consist in changing just the neighbours colors! the cell you have chosen is not included! This new Problem is more difficult that this trivial one:)
30.06.2008 16:56
If you do not change the color of the chosen cell then the minimum is $ 6$ by chosing the select cells: 1001 1001 0000 0110 In order to paint black the corners at least 4 are required from the following eight cells: 0110 1001 1001 0110 and you do not paint all either by picking exactly four from those eight cells or by picking an additional one to those four.
30.06.2008 17:32
try the last problem with dimension of table 2nx2n:)
30.06.2008 19:17
Quote: The MOVE i think it consist in changing just the neighbours colors! the cell you have chosen is not included! No, the move consists in a color changing of the cell too... I missed this word in the 1 post. So the problem isn't easy at all.
23.07.2008 00:42
I heard this problem was proposed by Dušan Milijančević from Serbia (took a silver on this year's IMO).
19.06.2009 10:51
I like this problem but it is very easy and basic
19.06.2009 10:56
I agree you Ufuk! When i in the comptetion i solved this problem in five minutes. I think this is too easy for Junior Balkan. I think this problem should send to "Baby Balkan"
19.06.2009 10:59
did you solve it in five minutes!!!!! when I saw this problem I solved it in twenty-thirty seconds
15.06.2017 11:08
i don't understand why n must be even, can you explain me ?
27.05.2018 11:07
Another solution for eliminating the case $n$ odd: Consider the quadrominos of the following form: |o|x|o| |x|x|x| where I denoted with “x” a square of the quadromino and “o” an other square of the table. We can cover the table with $4$ quadrominos of this type (we can turn them), for example when we put their centers in the $4$ cells we applied the operation for the case $n=4$. Now, suppose that we can cover the table with an odd number of opperations ($n$ odd). Then, we can delete the pairs of opperations which were performed on the same cell. So we obtain $n_0 \leq n$, $n_0$ odd, such that each cell was performed at most one time ($n_0$ being the number of cells on which was performed the operation and in the same time the number of operations performed). It is not hard to see that the order of which operation was performed first does not change the result. But there can’t be an odd number of cells in all the four quadrominos formed, because in that case $n_0$ will be even. So there is a quadromino from that $4$ which has an even number of cells with operation performed. Hence, the cell in the center of that quadromino will have its changed an even number of times. So that cell will be white at the end, contradiction! In conclussion, $n_0$ must be even, so $n$ must be as well.
14.04.2023 04:43
Hmm, I didn’t quite understand the last parts. I got that you can color the table in 2k moves, k$\geq$2, but nothing else about not being able to obtain the black table in an odd number of moves. I tried parity and didn’t get much. Any alternate/more clarifying solutions would be helpful, although I really want to make more progress on this myself, so maybe like 2-3 progressive hints in succession would be really preferred.