$2020$ positive integers are written in one line. Each of them starting with the third is divisible by previous and by the sum of two previous numbers. What is the smallest value the last number can take? A. Gribalko
Source: Tournament of Towns 2020 oral p1 (15 March 2020)
Tags: Sequence, number theory, Divisibility
30.05.2020 15:54
Let we call this numbers with F1, F2, ......, F2020. So we have (F1+F2)|F3, ........, (F2018+F2019)|F2020. F2020=k*(F2018+F2019) For being the smallest we can say that k=1 and therefore F2019=F2018+F2017, F2018=F2017+F2016, ...... , F3=F2+F1; So this numbers will be the Fibonachi numbers (Fn=Fn-1+Fn-2). And by the Formula of it we can find F2020=((((1+sqrt(5))/2)^2020)-(((1-sqrt(5))/2)^2020))/sqrt(5) this is integer as well(because all Fibonachi numbers are integer). P.s: Sorry for not understanding writings. This is my first writing in AoPS.
30.05.2020 16:26
Boboska wrote: Let we call this numbers with $F_1, F_2, ......, F_{2020}$. So we have $(F_1+F_2)|F_3, ..., (F_{2018}+F_{2019})|F_{2020}$. $F_{2020}=k (F_{2018}+F_{2019})$ For being the smallest we can say that $k=1$ and therefore $F_{2019}=F_{2018}+F_{2017}, F_{2018}=F_{2017}+F_{2016}, ... , F_3=F_2+F_1$ So this numbers will be the Fibonachi numbers ($F_n=F_{n-1}+F_{n-2}$). And by the Formula of it we can find $F_{2020}=\frac{(\frac{1+\sqrt5}{2})^{2020}}{\sqrt5}-\frac{(\frac{1-\sqrt5}{2})^{2020}}{\sqrt5}$ this is integer as well (because all Fibonachi numbers are integer). P.s: Sorry for not understanding writings. This is my first writing in AoPS. fixed the latex for you, pressing quote you might see how I wrote it in latex
30.05.2020 16:53