$N$ oligarchs built a country with $N$ cities with each one of them owning one city. In addition, each oligarch built some roads such that the maximal amount of roads an oligarch can build between two cities is $1$ (note that there can be more than $1$ road going through two cities, but they would belong to different oligarchs). A total of $d$ roads were built. Some oligarchs wanted to create a corporation by combining their cities and roads so that from any city of the corporation you can go to any city of the corporation using only corporation roads (roads can go to other cities outside corporation) but it turned out that no group of less than $N$ oligarchs can create a corporation. What is the maximal amount that $d$ can have?
Source: Saint Petersburg MO 2020 Grade 11 Problem 7
Tags: combinatorics
21.05.2020 04:36
The answer is $\boxed{\binom{N}{3}}.$ We can achieve this as follows. Label the oligarchs $1, 2, \cdots, N$ arbitrarily. For $1 \le i \le N,$ let the $i$th oligarch build roads between the cities owned by oligarchs $j$ and $k$ for all $1 <= j < k < i.$ Then, for any set $S$ of less than $N$ oligarchs, it's clearly impossible to reach the city of the oligarch in $S$ with the largest label from any city of the other oligarchs in $S$. Now, let's show that $\binom{N}{3}$ is actually optimal. For $N \le 3$ this can be easily verified. Suppose now that $N \ge 4$. Notice that no oligarch can build a road adjacent to their city, as then the set of $2$ oligarchs consisting of the endpoints of that road would violate the desired condition. Now, let's get an upper bound on the number of ordered triples $(a, b, c)$ such that the oligarch $a$ builds a road connecting the cities of oligarchs $b$ and $c.$ Call such triples good. Observe that this quantity is precisely twice the number of constructed roads, or $2d$ (since if $(a, b, c)$ is counted so is $(a, c, b)$). Note that from our latest result, $a, b, c$ must be distinct in any such triple. Now, notice that if $(a, b ,c)$ and $(b, a, c)$ are both good, the set of two oligarchs $\{a, b\}$ violates the condition. This then yields that for each unordered triple $(x, y, z)$ of distinct oligarchs, at most two out of the six permutations are good. Finally, we obtain that there are at most $2 \binom{N}{3}$ good triples and so we're done, as this quantity is also exactly $2d.$ $\square$
21.05.2020 22:40
As above, the answer is $\tbinom{N}{3}$. To achieve this, the $i^{\mathrm{th}}$ oligarch builds a road between each $j,k$ with $j<i,k<i$. By hockey stick $d=\sum_{i=2}^N\tbinom{i}{2}=\tbinom{N}{3}$. We now proceed by induction on $N$, the case $N=3$ being obvious. Assuming $N\ge 4$, notice that removing all of the edges the $N^{\mathrm{th}}$ oligarch builds maintains the property that no subset of the remaining oligarchs can connect their vertices with only their edges. Thus there are at most $\tbinom{N-1}{3}$ edges remaining here, and it suffices to show that the $N^{\mathrm{th}}$ oligarch builds at most $\tbinom{N-1}{2}$ edges. But this is obvious, as otherwise the $N^{\mathrm{th}}$ oligarch must build an edge from her own vertex to some other vertex, and this pair of vertices results in a contradictory subset.
22.04.2022 13:04
Probably the same as above , but here's the solution: The answer is $\binom{N}{3}$ . The example follows by letting the $i$-th oligarch's edges be a $K_{i-1}$ between the vertices $1,..,i-1$ Now let $E_i(j)$ be the set of edges of color $j$ passing through $i$. clearly $|E_i(i)|=0$ and $|E_i(j) \cap E_j(i)|=0$ for each $i,j$. Now consider three vertices $i,j,k$ and $E_i(j) ,E_j(k) ,E_k(i)$ . Any other vertex in our graph , has appear in at most two of these three sets. And $i,j,k$ themselves appears in at most one of these sets. But we cannot have : $ i \in E_j(k) , j \in E_k(i) , k \in E_i(j)$ at the same time. So: $$|E_i(j)| + |E_j(k)| + |E_k(i)| \le 2(N-2)$$Now adding this up on every three vertices in the graph , we count every edge at least $2(N-2)$ ; that's because an edge $e$ between $i,l$ had come twice in $E_i(j)$ and $E_l(j)$ for a fix $j$ and we have $N-2$ other choices for $k$. So the total number of edges is at most: $\frac{\binom{N}{3}.2(N-2)}{2(N-2)} = \binom{N}{3}$ And we're done.