Suppose an ordered set of $ ({{a} _{1}}, \ {{a} _{2}},\ \ldots,\ {{a} _{n}}) $ real numbers, $n \ge 3 $. It is possible to replace the number $ {{a} _ {i}} $, $ i = \overline {2, \ n-1} $ by the number $ a_ {i} ^ {*} $ that $ {{a} _ {i}} + a_ {i} ^ {*} = {{a} _ {i-1}} + {{a} _ {i + 1}} $. Let $ ({{b} _ {1}},\ {{b} _ {2}}, \ \ldots, \ {{b} _ {n}}) $ be the set with the largest sum of numbers that can be obtained from this, and $ ({{c} _ {1}},\ {{c} _ {2}}, \ \ldots, \ {{c} _ {n}}) $ is a similar set with the least amount. For the odd $n \ge 3 $ and set $ (1,\ 3, \ \ldots, \ n, \ 2, \ 4, \ \ldots,\ n-1) $ find the values of the expressions $ {{b} _ {1}} + {{b} _ {2}} + \ldots + {{b} _ {n}} $ and $ {{c} _ {1}} + {{c} _ {2}} + \ldots + {{c} _ {n}} $.