Let $ n$ be a nonzero positive integer. A set of persons is called a $ n$-balanced set if in any subset of $ 3$ persons there exists at least two which know each other and in each subset of $ n$ persons there are two which don't know each other. Prove that a $ n$-balanced set has at most $ (n - 1)(n + 2)/2$ persons.
Source: Romanian TST 3 2008, Problem 4
Tags: inequalities, induction, graph theory, combinatorics proposed, combinatorics
07.06.2008 22:44
Let's consider the complete graph whose vertices are the persons. Color red the edge $ A - B$ if $ A$ and $ B$ are knowing each other, and blue otherwise. Thus, we are looking for the maximum number of vertices of such a graph knowing that there is no red $ K_n$ and no blue $ K_3$. This maximum is $ R(n,3) - 1$, where $ R(.,.)$ is the Ramsey number. Therefore, the problem asks to prove that $ R(n,3) \leq \frac {n(n + 1)}2$. This upper bound follows easily from the well-known inequality $ R(a,b) \leq R(a - 1,b) + R(a,b - 1)$, which gives $ R(a,b) \leq \binom {a + b - 2}{b - 1}.$ Pierre.
09.06.2008 01:05
Written in simple words. We will use induction on n and thus assume it is true for n-1. Choose a person. he will be friends with people in A and not with people in B. it is clear that then every two persons in B are friends. Thus |B| is at most n-1. Now because our person knows every one in A by the induction hypothesis A consists of at most $ \frac{(n-2)(n+1)}{2}$ people. thus we get a maximum of $ \frac{(n-2)(n+1)}{2}+1+(n-1)=\frac{(n-1)(n+2)}{2}$ for our set.
01.02.2018 00:23
pohoatza wrote: Let $ n$ be a nonzero positive integer. A set of persons is called a $ n$-balanced set if in any subset of $ 3$ persons there exists at least two which know each other and in each subset of $ n$ persons there are two which don't know each other. Prove that a $ n$-balanced set has at most $ (n - 1)(n + 2)/2$ persons. Alternatively, work with the complementary graph $G^{*}$; which is triangle-free and has no independent set of size $n$. We prove that $|V(G)|<\binom{n+1}{2}$ by induction on $n \ge 2$; base case being obvious. The point is to delete no more than $n$ vertices from $G^{*}$ to reduce to the case where the induced sub-graph no longer has independent sets of size $n-1$ and apply induction hypothesis. Pick the vertex $v$ with maximal degree. Let $\{u_1, \dots, u_k\}$ be the neighbours of $v$. Observe that $N(v)$ must be an independent set else $G^{*}$ has a triangle. Thus, $k \le n-1$. Now delete $v$ along with $u_1, \dots, u_k$ from $G^{*}$ and suppose we still have an $(n-1)$ independent set $S$ in the induced subgraph. Then $v$ has no neighbours in $S$ (since all of them were deleted prior to constructing $S$). However, appending $v$ to $S$ yields an $n$-independent set in the original graph; a contradiction! Hence the induction hypothesis works!
03.02.2018 13:13
Ramsey kills it...... Another problem is posted in Bosnia tst Ramsey kills it $R(r,s)\le R(r–1,s)+R(r,s–1)$ $R(r,s)\leq \binom {r+s–2}{r–1}$ Here $(r, s) =(n, 3)$ $R(r,s)\leq \binom {n+1}{n–1}$ $R(n,3)\le \frac{n(n+1)}{2}$ and thus...
03.02.2018 13:24
@Paragdey12 This is highly of topic, but seeing your recent posts in HSO forum (the above post, #1 , #2 , #3 for example), I have no idea how what you're writing is either helpful or provides a full solution (or atleast sketch of a solution) - it seems (for example check #3) that you're simply writing random theorems related to the problem. Please don't spam threads in HSO with useless posts like this.
04.11.2019 07:30
Note that $\frac{(k-1)(k+2)}{2}+1=\binom{k+1}{2}$. Thus, the contrapositive of the problem is asking us to show that a triangle free graph with at least $\binom{k+1}{2}$ has an independent size of at least $k$. This follows directly from Ramsey's theorem applied to $R(3,k)$, but we'll outline a proof here for completeness. We proceed by induction on $k$ with the base case of $k=1$ being obvious. Now suppose the problem is true for $k-1$, and suppose we have a graph $G$ on $\binom{k+1}{2}$ vertices that is triangle free. Let $v$ be any vertex. If the degree is at least $k$, then by the triangle free, the neighbors of $v$ form an independent set of size $k$. So WLOG, suppose that the degree of $v$ is at most $k-1$. Thus, there are at least $\binom{k+1}{2}-1-(k-1)=\binom{k}{2}$ vertices not connected to $v$, and by the inductive hypothesis, they have a $(k-1)$-independent set. Adding in $v$ solves the problem.
16.08.2020 20:04
induction also work for this problem!
19.02.2021 05:24
Create a graph in which two persons are connected if they don't know each other and replace $n$ with $k$. Induct on $k$. The result is trivial at $k=1$. For the induction step, suppose otherwise. By induction hypothesis, there exists an independent set $S$ of size $k-1$. As $\frac{(k-1)(k+2)}{2}-(k-1)=\binom{k}{2}$, there are more than $\binom{k}{2}$ non-elements of $S$. Let the set of non-elements of $S$ be $T$ and for each $v\in S$, let $T_v$ be the set of neighbors of $v$ in $T$. Observe that each element of $T$ must be in some $T_v$, as otherwise the result is clearly false. Consider a particular $T_v$. Observe that $T_v$ is an independent set because there are no triangles. If there are two or more vertices $u$ in $T_v$ such that there is no $v\ne x\in S$ with $u\in T_x$, we could replace $v$ with those two vertices to generate an independent set of size $k$, absurd. Thus over all vertices in $T$, at most $k-1$ (the number of $T_v$s) do not have edges to multiple elements of $S$. This implies the average cardinality of a $T_v$ is greater than \[\frac{2\cdot (\binom{k}{2}-(k-1))+(k-1)}{k-1} = k-2+1=k-1,\]so some $T_v$ is an independent set with size larger than $k-1$, contradiction.
24.02.2021 04:16
Phrase this in graph theory terms, replace $n$ with $k$. Assume that $k$ is minimal, so there exists an independent set of size $k-1$, let that set be $S$. For every $v\in\S$, there is at most one vertex $w$ adjacent to $v$ such that no other vertex in the independent set is adjacent to $w$. This is because if two such vertices $w, x$ existed, then get rid of $v$ and add in $w,x$ into the independent set. This means there exists at most $k-1$ vertices that are adjacent to exactly one vertex in the independent set, so every other vertex is adjacent to at least $2$. Observe that the degree of each vertex $v$ is at most $k-1$, because if it was greater, then since the graph is triangle free, we can choose all the vertices adjacent to $v$ in our independent set, for an independent set of size $k$. Let $n$ be the number of vertices. The number of edges adjacent to a vertex in $S$ is at least $k-1 + 2(n-(k-1)-(k-1))$, since there are at most $k-1$ vertices not in the independent set adjacent to exactly one $v\in S$, and the other $n-(k-1)-(k-1)$ vertices not in the independent set are adjacent to at least $2$ $v\in S$. However, there are at most $(k-1)^{2}$ edges with one vertex in $S$, so \[(k-1)^{2} \geq (k-1) + 2(n-2(k-1)) \Rightarrow 2n\leq (k-1)((k-1) - 1 + 4) \Rightarrow n\leq \frac{(k-1)(k+2)}{2}\]This is our desired result.
10.08.2022 11:14
Rephrase the question as prove that when we have at least $\frac{n(n+1)}{2}$ persons it is impossible to have a $n$-balanced set We shall proceed by induction on $n$ Base case $n=2$ Observe that $n \leq 2$ or else we will immediately form a triangle. At the same time , $\frac{(2-1)(2+2)}{2}=2$ Hence our base case holds Now, suppose that it holds for some $n=y$ , consider the $n=y+1$ case Consider the person with the maximal degree, let it be $Zhong Xina$ If $Zhong Xina$ has $\geq y+1$ neighbours, then we are done since the set of neighbours must form an independent set or else we have a triangle. So, suppose that $Zhong Xina$ has $\leq y$ neighbours This means that we have at least $\frac{(y+1)(y+2)}{2}-y-1=\frac{(y)(y+1)}{2} $ By induction hypothesis, this means that in the $\frac{(y)(y+1)}{2}$ vertices, we have at least one $y$ sized independent set Note that the vertices in this $y$ sized independent set all do not share any edge with $Zhong Xina$ since it is not its neighbour Hence the vertices and $Zhong Xina$ form a $y+1$ sized independent set Hence, by induction, our claim is true
10.08.2022 11:37
Is ZhongXina a reference to the famous AoPSer JohnCena
03.10.2022 22:11
We prove the contrapositive statement by induction on $k$: Every triangle-free graph with at least $\binom {k+1}{2}$ vertices has an independent set with size at least $k$. If some vertex has degree at least $k$, we are done. Otherwise, remove some vertex and its neighbors and induct down (we can now add this vertex to the independent set from the IH).
18.09.2023 00:48
It suffices to show that any graph with at least ${k+1 \choose 2}$ edges that is triangle-free has an independent set of size $k$. We proceed by induction; assume for the sake of contradiction the result is false. Note that every vertex in the graph has degree at most $k-1$, else the set of all neighbors of that vertex would constitute such a set. But now delete that vertex and all its neighbors; we are left with at least ${k \choose 2}$ edges, so the remaining graph has a $k-1$-independent set. On the other hand, including that original vertex creates a desired set, contradiction.
18.11.2024 17:24
The problem is equivalent to proving $R(n, 3) - 1 \leq \frac{(n - 1)(n + 2)}{2}$. From the well known inequality, we have: $$R(n, 3) \leq \binom{n + 1}{2} \implies R(n, 3) - 1 = \frac{(n + 1)n - 2}{2} = \frac{n^2 + n - 2}{2} = \frac{(n - 1)(n + 2)}{2}$$So, we are done.