
Source: Ukraine TST 2012 p10

Tags: combinatorial geometry, combinatorics, square

A unit square is cut by $n$ straight lines . Prove that in at least one of these parts one can completely fit a square with side $\frac{1}{n+1}$

HIDE: original wording Одиничний квадрат розрізано $n$ прямими на частини. Доведіть, що хоча б в одній з цих частин можна повністю розмістити квадрат зі стороною $\frac{1}{n+1}$

HIDE: notes The selection panel jury made a mistake because the solution known to it turned out to be incorrect. As it turned out, the assertion of the problem is still correct, although it cannot be proved by simple methods, see. article: Keith Ball. Тhe plank problem for symmetric bodies // Іпѵепііопез МаіЬешаІіеае. — 1991. — Ѵоі. 104, по. 1. — Р. 535-543.