
Source: Belarus 2010 TST 5.1

Tags: game, polynomial, Integer Polynomial, winning strategy, game strategy, algebra, combinatorics

The following expression $x^{30} + *x^{29} +...+ *x+8 = 0$ is written on a blackboard. Two players $A$ and $B$ play the following game. $A$ starts the game. He replaces all the asterisks by the natural numbers from $1$ to $30$ (using each of them exactly once). Then player $B$ replace some of" $+$ "by ” $-$ "(by his own choice). The goal of $A$ is to get the equation having a real root greater than $10$, while the goal of $B$ is to get the equation having a real root less that or equal to $10$. If both of the players achieve their goals or nobody of them achieves his goal, then the result of the game is a draw. Otherwise, the player achieving his goal is a winner. Who of the players wins if both of them play to win? (I.Bliznets)