
Source: 2018 Taiwan TST Round 2

Tags: geometry, Taiwan

Let $A,B,C$ be the midpoints of the three sides $B'C', C'A', A'B'$ of the triangle $A'B'C'$ respectively. Let $P$ be a point inside $\Delta ABC$, and $AP,BP,CP$ intersect with $BC, CA, AB$ at $P_a,P_b,P_c$, respectively. Lines $P_aP_b, P_aP_c$ intersect with $B'C'$ at $R_b, R_c$ respectively, lines $P_bP_c, P_bP_a$ intersect with $C'A'$ at $S_c, S_a$ respectively. and lines $P_cP_a, P_cP_b$ intersect with $A'B'$ at $T_a, T_b$, respectively. Given that $S_c,S_a, T_a, T_b$ are all on a circle centered at $O$. Show that $OR_b=OR_c$.