
Source: 2018 Taiwan TST Round 2

Tags: geometry, Taiwan

Given a triangle $ABC$ and a point $O$ on a plane. Let $\Gamma$ be the circumcircle of $ABC$. Suppose that $CO$ intersects with $AB$ at $D$, and $BO$ and $CA$ intersect at $E$. Moreover, suppose that $AO$ intersects with $\Gamma$ at $A,F$. Let $I$ be the other intersection of $\Gamma$ and the circumcircle of $ADE$, and $Y$ be the other intersection of $BE$ and the circumcircle of $CEI$, and $Z$ be the other intersection of $CD$ and the circumcircle of $BDI$. Let $T$ be the intersection of the two tangents of $\Gamma$ at $B,C$, respectively. Lastly, suppose that $TF$ intersects with $\Gamma$ again at $U$, and the reflection of $U$ w.r.t. $BC$ is $G$. Show that $F,I,G,O,Y,Z$ are concyclic.