
Source: Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina, 4th grades, 2008.

Tags: trigonometry, geometry, circumcircle, geometry proposed

Given are three pairwise externally tangent circles $ K_{1}$ , $ K_{2}$ and $ K_{3}$. denote by $ P_{1}$ tangent point of $ K_{2}$ and $ K_{3}$ and by $ P_{2}$ tangent point of $ K_{1}$ and $ K_{3}$. Let $ AB$ ($ A$ and $ B$ are different from tangency points) be a diameter of circle $ K_{3}$. Line $ AP_{2}$ intersects circle $ K_{1}$ (for second time) at point $ X$ and line $ BP_{1}$ intersects circle $ K_{2}$(for second time) at $ Y$. If $ Z$ is intersection point of lines $ AP_{1}$ and $ BP_{2}$ prove that points $ X$, $ Y$ and $ Z$ are collinear.