We consider the two sequences $(a_n)_{n\ge 0}$ and $(b_n) _{n\ge 0}$ of integers, which are given by $a_0 = b_0 = 2$ and $a_1= b_1 = 14$ and for $n\ge 2$ they are defined as $a_n = 14a_{n-1} + a_{n-2}$ , $b_n = 6b_{n-1}-b_{n-2}$. Determine whether there are infinite numbers that occur in both sequences
Source: 2019 Austrian Federal Competition For Advanced Students, Part 1 p1
Tags: Sequence, recurrence relation, Recurrence, algebra, Austria
12.04.2021 02:17
The answer is negative. First notice that the sequences are subsets of the positive integers. Now notice that $a_n > 14a_{n-1} > 14^2a_{n-2} > \dots > 14^{n-1} a_1 = 14^n$ While $b_n < 6b_{n-1} < \dots < 6^{n-1}b_1 = 6^{n-1}.14$ But notice that $14^{n} > 6^{n-1}.14$, for every integer greater than $2$. Meaning that $a_n > 14^n > 6^{n-1}.14 > b_n$. Meaning that we won't ever have that $a_n=b_n$, for some $n \geq 2$.
26.04.2021 15:52
@above,you may misunderstand the question,not to ignore the possiblity $a_{m}=b_{n}$(m,n are different)
12.05.2021 16:53
08.06.2021 14:44
bump again.
22.07.2021 19:22
The answer is yes. We will prove that for any $k \geq 0$, $a_{2k+1} = b_{3k+1}$ holds. It is easy to prove by recurrence relations that if $\alpha = \sqrt{2} + 1$ and $\beta = \sqrt{2} - 1$, then $a_n = \alpha^{3n} + (-1)^n\beta^{3n}$ and $b_n = \alpha^{2n+1} - \beta^{2n+1}$. Now it is clear that $a_{2k+1} = b_{3k+1}$ by trivial algebra. Thus, there are infinitely many numbers occuring in both sequences.