
Source: Chinese TST

Tags: calculus, integration, rotation, combinatorics proposed, combinatorics

In a plane, there is an infinite triangular grid consists of equilateral triangles whose lengths of the sides are equal to $ 1$, call the vertices of the triangles the lattice points, call two lattice points are adjacent if the distance between the two points is equal to $ 1;$ A jump game is played by two frogs $ A,B,$ "A jump" is called if the frogs jump from the point which it is lying on to its adjacent point, " A round jump of $ A,B$" is called if first $ A$ jumps and then $ B$ by the following rules: Rule (1): $ A$ jumps once arbitrarily, then $ B$ jumps once in the same direction, or twice in the opposite direction; Rule (2): when $ A,B$ sits on adjacent lattice points, they carry out Rule (1) finishing a round jump, or $ A$ jumps twice continually, keep adjacent with $ B$ every time, and $ B$ rests on previous position; If the original positions of $ A,B$ are adjacent lattice points, determine whether for $ A$ and $ B$,such that the one can exactly land on the original position of the other after a finite round jumps.