There are n stations $1,2,...,n$ in a broken road (like in Cars) in that order such that the distance between station $i$ and $i+1$ is one unit. The distance betwen two positions of cars is the minimum units needed to be fixed so that every car can go from its place in the first position to its place in the second (two cars can be in the same station in a position). Prove that for every $\alpha<1$ thre exist $n$ and $100^n$ positions such that the distance of every two position is at least $n\alpha$.
Source: Iranian RMM TST Day 1 P3
Tags: combinatorics
16.01.2020 19:13
I don't understand this problem. How many cars are there in a position?
26.01.2020 22:26
Thare are exactly n cars in a position.
02.02.2020 01:02
Can you clarify the problem?I still don't understand it.
05.02.2020 18:29
Are the cars 'labeled'? : can you distinguish the cars in a position?
06.02.2020 18:25
Okay, I think it can be interpreted as: Define an arrangment to be a vector of length n, with each number in the vector an integer from 1 to n (not necessarily all different). Prove that there for any alpha there exists an n such that there exists a 100^n different arrangements that have a taxicab distance of at least n*alpha.
07.02.2020 08:18
programjames1 wrote: Okay, I think it can be interpreted as: Define an arrangment to be a vector of length n, with each number in the vector an integer from 1 to n (not necessarily all different). Prove that there for any alpha there exists an n such that there exists a 100^n different arrangements that have a taxicab distance of at least n*alpha. Actually not. If the path of any two different cars overlap, then the minimum number of units needed to be fixed is smaller than just the taxicab distance.
07.02.2020 16:07
Any solutions?
07.02.2020 21:11
I don't think we understand the problem. How are you determining the "minimum number of units needed?"
08.02.2020 02:45
programjames1 wrote: I don't think we understand the problem. How are you determining the "minimum number of units needed?" For two positions , construct $n$ segments on the road. each segment has car $i$'s first position and the last position as endpoints. Then the distance of two positions is the length of the union of $n$ segments
09.02.2020 04:42
I think I see it then. It looks like this? [asy][asy] draw((0,0)--(10,0)); draw((2,0.2)--(7,0.2), green); draw((4, 0.4)--(8, 0.4), blue); draw((2,0.6)--(8, 0.6), red); draw((2, -0.1) -- (2, 0.1)); draw((4, -0.1) -- (4, 0.1)); draw((7, -0.1) -- (7, 0.1)); draw((8, -0.1) -- (8, 0.1)); [/asy][/asy] If the green represents the beginning and end points for car $A$ and the blue is the beginning and ending positions for car $B$, then the red would be the distance between cars $A$ and $B$.
09.02.2020 12:35
In fact, we interpret the positions of cars as the set $F$ of all functions $f:\{1,2,\dots,n\}\to \{1,2,\dots,n\}$. Clearly $|F|=n^n$. The distance $d(f,g)$ between $f,g\in F$ is defined as $$\displaystyle d(f,g) := m\left(\bigcup_{i=1}^n [f(i),g(i)]\right)$$where $m(A)$ means the measure (length) of the set $A$ which is an union of intervals. The idea is as follows. For a function $f\in F$ we prove $\#\{g: d(f,g)<\alpha n\}$ is comparatively small. It may be interpret as a ball around $f$. As an implication it yields the maximal subset of $F$, every two elements of which at distance at least $\alpha n$ , has enough (more than $100^n$) elements for large $n$. Let $f\in F$ be fixed. For any $g\in F$ with $d(f,g)<\alpha n$ there exists a union $I$ of $(1-\alpha)n$ unit intervals on $[1,n]$ that don't intersect $[f(i),g(i)], i=1,2,\dots,n$. So, fix any such $I$ and let's see how many $g$ comply to this condition. The knots $i\in [1..n]$ inside $I$ are at least $(1-\alpha)n$. For each $i\in I$, $g(i)$ can take only values that hits the adjacent to $i$ interval in $[1..n]\setminus I$. Denote their number by $n_i$. Note that $\sum_{i\in I}n_i\le 2n$ since each knot of $[1..n]\setminus I$ is counted at most twice. Hence, the number of such functions $g\in F$ is at most $n^{\alpha n}\prod_{i\in I}n_i\le n^{\alpha n}2^n$. An upper bound of the number of all systems $I$ of unit intervals can be very roughly estimated by $2^n$. It yields $$\#\{g:d(f,g)<\alpha n\}\le n^{\alpha n}4^n $$Let $M$ be the number of elements of the maximal subset of $F$, every two elements of which at distance at least $\alpha n$. Then $$\displaystyle M \cdot 4^n n^{\alpha n}\ge n^n$$Hence, $$\displaystyle M\ge \left(\frac{n^{(1-\alpha)}}{4}\right)^n$$Since $\displaystyle \frac{n^{(1-\alpha)}}{4}>100$ for large enough $n$, the result follows.
09.02.2020 16:11
@above Great solution! Maybe this is basically a similar approach, but in fact we can interpret the problem in an alternative way. For a position $S$, let $S_i$ be the set of cars that are on the interval $[1,i]$ Then, for two positions $S$ and $T$, we can calculate the distance between the two positions in a following way: Quote: $Distance =$ $||\{i :S_i=T_i \}||$ This works because $S_i=T_i $ means that there are no cars "crossing" the unit $[i,i+1]$ while moving to its first position to the second position. So all we have to do is construct $100^n$ positions so that at most $(1-\alpha)n$ indices satisfy $S_i=T_i $ for each pair. This is quite straight-forward since we can just calculate the probability.
10.02.2020 00:37
Contradiction wrote: ... This is quite straight-forward since we can just calculate the probability. It sounds interesting, would you elaborate please?
10.02.2020 07:24
@above, I think it's basically the same as yours, just with a different interpretation so I felt no reason for explaining it again. But anyways, let $\epsilon=1-\alpha$ and we want to show that the number of positions that have "coinciding indices" less than $\epsilon n$ be sufficiently small. So, fix the coinciding $\epsilon n$ sets $T_i$ and to fill up the rest $n(1-\epsilon)$ sets, the number is $\sum i_1^{n_1}i_2^{n_2}\cdots i_{n\epsilon}^{n\epsilon}$ where $i_1+\cdots+i_{n\epsilon}=n(1-\epsilon)$, $n_1+\cdots+n_{n\epsilon}=n(1-\epsilon)$ the scale of this formula is at most $(n(1-\epsilon))^{n\epsilon}$, and now since for efficiently large $n$ we have $100^n<\frac{n^n}{n^{n(1-\epsilon)}}$, we are done
11.02.2020 18:35
A question about the distances beetwen them.What if we have disjoint segments?For example $[1,2]$ and $[4,5]$.What is the distance beetwen them?Is it $2$ or $4$?
28.01.2022 10:05
We in fact prove the theorem for permutations. Let $f(\sigma, \pi)$ be their distance. We think of distance in another way: $f(\sigma,\pi) = |\cup_{j=1}^n [\sigma(j), \pi(j)] | = \sum\limits_{t\in [\sigma(j), \pi(j)] \text{for some j}} 1 =n-\sum\limits_{t\notin [\sigma(j), \pi(j)] \forall j} = n - \# (\{\sigma(1),\cdots,\sigma(x)\}=\{\pi(1),\cdots,\pi(x)\})$. Now we use my favorite trick when considering relations between pairs of elements: consider a graph of permutations such that two perms are adjacent if and only if their distance is at most $\alpha n$. We know this is a regular graph, so let $d$ be the degree of a permutation. Then any maximal independent set must have size at least $\frac{n!}{d+1}$ because the neighbourhood of $x$ vertices is at most $dx$. We now bound $d$. For at least $(1-\alpha)n$ values of $x$, $$\{\sigma(1),\cdots,\sigma(x)\}=\{\pi(1),\cdots,\pi(x)\}$$ which happens with probability $(\binom nx)^{-1}$ which is at most $n^{-1}$. Therefore, we pick $\binom{n}{(1-\alpha)n}$ choices for $x$ and we have the degree of a permutation is at most $n! \sum_{S} n^{(\alpha-1)n}$ where $S$ is over all subsets of $\{1,\cdots,n\}$ with cardinality $(1-\alpha)n$. This sum is at most $n! n^{(\alpha-1)n}\binom{n}{(1-\alpha)n}< n! n^{(\alpha-1)n}2^n$. Now, $\frac{n!}{d+1} \ge \frac{n!}{2d}>\frac 12 (n^{1-\alpha}/2)^n$. Picking $n^{1-\alpha}/2>200$ suffices.