To prove the first part, consider a checkerboard coloring. Then each piece either has $1$ more black cell then white cell, or $1$ less black cell then white cell. But we need an equal number of the two, so we need $n$ to be even.
Now to prove the second part, we first claim the following:
Claim: For any positive integer $k \ge 2$, then there are at least two ways to tile a $5 \times 2k$ grid with the pieces, such that the pieces do not tile any $5 \times i$ subgrid for $2 \le i \le 2k-2$.
Proof. Due to symmetry, we only need to show that there exists one way. We will do so by exhibiting a construction. Consider the following: [asy][asy]
draw(box( (0,0),(4,5))); draw( (0,2)--(2,2)); draw( (2,2)--(2,1)); draw( (2,1)--(3,1)); draw( (3,1)--(3,0)); draw( (2,2)--(2,4)); draw( (2,3)--(4,3)); draw( (1,4)--(2,4)); draw( (1,4)--(1,5)); [/asy][/asy] We then extend it to a $5 \times 10$ grid as so: [asy][asy]
draw(box( (0,0),(10,5))); draw( (0,2)--(2,2)); draw( (2,2)--(2,1)); draw( (2,1)--(3,1)); draw( (3,1)--(3,0));
draw( (1,5)--(1,4)); draw( (1,4)--(2,4)); draw( (2,4)--(2,2));
draw( (2,3)--(4,3)); draw( (4,3)--(4,5)); draw( (4,3)--(5,3)); draw( (5,3)--(5,2)); draw( (5,2)--(4,2)); draw( (4,2)--(4,1)); draw( (4,1)--(2,1));
draw( (5,2)--(6,2)); draw( (6,2)--(6,0)); draw( (6,2)--(8,2)); draw( (8,2)--(8,1)); draw( (8,1)--(9,1)); draw( (9,1)--(9,0)); draw( (8,1)--(8,3)); draw( (8,3)--(10,3));
draw( (8,3)--(8,4)); draw( (8,4)--(7,4)); draw( (7,4)--(7,5));
draw( (5,3)--(6,3)); draw( (6,3)--(6,4)); draw( (6,4)--(7,4)); [/asy][/asy] Clearly this can be extended more and it works. Apply similar logic (but with different constructions) for $5 \times 6$ and $5 \times 8$ to generate constructions for everything. The $5\times 2$ construction is also obvious. $\square$
Now, we consider partitioning a $5 \times 2k$ grid into $m$ blocks, where the $i$th block has dimensions $5 \times 2a_i$ for $a_i \ge 1$; then from stars-and-bars there are $\binom{k-1}{m-1}$ ways to choose the $a_i$, and for each block there are at least $2$ ways to tile them without the pieces within a block also tiling a smaller $5 \times 2j$ block (basically the statement in our claim).
But then it follows that there are at least \[ 2^k + \binom{k-1}{k-2} 2^{k-1} + \dots + \binom{k-1}{1}2^2 + 2 = 2 \cdot 3^{k-1} \]ways to tile the block, with the last equality following from Binomial theorem. $\blacksquare$