For n≥3 and a1≤a2≤…≤an given real numbers we have the following instructions:
- place out the numbers in some order in a ring;
- delete one of the numbers from the ring;
- if just two numbers are remaining in the ring: let S be the sum of these two numbers. Otherwise, if there are more the two numbers in the ring, replace
Afterwards start again with the step (2). Show that the largest sum S which can result in this way is given by the formula
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Base case n=3 trivial. Assume n>3.
For the construction, I claim that we can reach the required sum by starting with the cycle
⋯−7−5−3−1−2−4−6−8−⋯(this closes on the other end by n,n−1 in some order). Delete 1 and sum. This yields
⋯−(7+5)−(5+3)−(3+2)−(2+4)−(4+6)−(6+8)−⋯The numbers in this cycle can be seen to be in the same configuration with respect to their order as in the original cycle, so by the induction hypothesis, we can get to the required sum for the new numbers. A calculation shows this is equal to the required sum for the old numbers.
To prove this is optimal, we can assume a1 was deleted at first (otherwise replace whatever was deleted by a1, and this only increases the result). After the deletion, we get sums ai+aj in a circle so that the graph on n−1 vertices resulting from joining i↔j if they appear in the same sum is a cycle. By the induction hypothesis, this is at most the sum
(1)\qquad\sum_{k=1}^{n-1}\binom{n-3}{[k/2]-1} (\cdots)
where (\cdots) is each time one of the sums a_i+a_j in the circle. We want to prove that this is at most
(2)\qquad \sum_{k=1}^n \binom{n-2}{[k/2]-1} a_k For this, we use a well known lemma:
LemmaSuppose a_1\leq a_2\leq \cdots \leq a_n. Let x_i, y_i be real numbers satisfying
\forall 1\leq i\leq n: x_i+x_{i+1}+\cdots+x_n\geq y_i+y_{i+1}+\cdots+y_nx_1+\cdots+x_n=y_1+\cdots+y_nThen the inequality
x_1a_1+x_2a_2+\cdots+x_na_n\geq y_1a_1+\cdots+y_na_nis satisfied.
We'll use the lemma for x_k=\binom{n-2}{[k/2]-1} and y_k the coefficient of a_k in (1), for k\geq 2 (as a_1 does not appear).
First, \sum_{i=2}^n y_i is twice the sum of the binomial coefficients in (1). By
(*)\qquad x_k=\binom{n-2}{[k/2]-1}=\binom{n-3}{[k/2]-1}+\binom{n-3}{[(k-2)/2]-1}when we sum the x_k we'll get twice every binomial coefficient in (1), but with an addition of a term for k=n, and the term for k=n-1 only appearing once. But these two terms are equal:
\binom{n-3}{[n/2]-1}=\binom{n-3}{[(n-1)/2]-1}as the sum of the lower numbers is exactly n-3. Thus we get each coefficient twice which is exactly the sum of the y_i.
We now prove that for 2\leq k\leq n we have
x_{k+1}+\cdots+x_n\geq y_{k+1}+\cdots+y_nLet's understand the right sum. It is a sum of n-k pairs of binomial coefficients appearing in (1) (as each y_i is a sum of binomial coefficients). But each coefficient appears at most twice in the sum. Thus the sum is at most
\sum_{j=k+1}^n y_j\leq 2\sum_{i=k}^{n-1}\binom{n-3}{[i/2]-1}which is twice the sum of the n-k largest coefficients in (1). I claim that in fact
\sum_{j=k+1}^n y_j < 2\sum_{i=k}^{n-1}\binom{n-3}{[i/2]-1}Indeed, if equality holds, then for each k the (\cdots) in (1) at the k-th position is a_i+a_j for i,j\geq k+1 (so these coefficients only go to y_i for i\geq k+1). But then the resulting graph would not be a cycle because the subgraph consisting of i\geq k+1 would have all degrees 2. Contradiction.
This implies that \sum_{j=k+1}^n y_i is a sum of pairs of binomial coefficients, each appearing in the sum at most twice, which is less than the maximal possible such sum. Thus we must have
\sum_{j=k+1}^n y_j\leq \binom{n-3}{[(k-1)/2]-1}+\binom{n-3}{[k/2]-1}+2\sum_{i=k+1}^{n-1}\binom{n-3}{[i/2]-1}which is equal to \sum_{j=k+1}^n x_k by (*). This finishes the proof.