Part 1: Niceness
Denote the balls by $a_1,a_2,\dots, a_n$ and we wish to find $n$ such that we can transpose each pair of positions, one at a time, and get no fixed points. We claim that $n$ is nice if and only if $n\neq 3$.
Indeed, if $n=3$ and if WLOG positions $(a,b)$ switch and then positions $(b,c)$ switch, then positions $(c,a)$ must switch, which leaves $a$ with the same ball as before.
Note that we can do the following transpositions: $(i,i+1), (i,i+2), \dots (i,n)$ and we will do a cyclic shift, turning $(i,i+1,\dots, n)$ into $n,i,i+1,\dots, n-1.$ Call this sequence of moves $C_1(i).$ If we do these same transpositions in the opposite direction, we will get a different cyclic shift: $i+1,i+2,\dots, n, i.$ Call this sequence of moves $C_2(i).$
If we do $C_1(1)$ and then $C_2(n)$ then we will get rid of the need to make any operations on position $1$ or $n$, as well as get the same configuration as before except for $1$ and $n$ transposed. Therefore, if $n-2$ is nice then $n$ is nice. Note that $n=2$ is nice because $C_1(1)$ and $n=5$ is nice because $C_1(1), C_1(3), C_1(2), C_1(4)$ so our claim is proved.
Part 2: Tiresomeness
Let $S$ be the number of pairs of balls $(a_i,a_j)$ such that $i<j$ and $a_i$'s position is to the right of $j$'s position. Originally $S=0$. Note that each transposition changes $S$ by $1$, so if the ending $S$ is $0$ there must be an even number of moves made, so $n$ is tiresome only if $\tbinom{n}{2}$ is even, or when $n\equiv 0,1\pmod 4.$
If $n=4$, then note that the sequence of transpositions $(1,2),(3,4), (1,4) ,(2,3) ,(1,3), (2,4)$ is enough. If $n=5$ we can find a construction easily.
We proceed by induction: if $4k$ is tiresome, then we add on girls $4k+1,4k+2,4k+3,4k+4$. We can make the first $4k$ finish all their internal transpositions and have them each retain her own ball and the last $4$ do the same. Note that $(4k+1,i),(4k+2,i+1),(4k+1,i+1),(4k+2,i)$ is equivalent to $(4k+1,4k+2),(i,i+1)$ and call this transformation $D(4k+1,i).$ Now, $D(4k+1,1),D(4k+3,1),D(4k+1,3),\dots, D(4k+3,4k-1)$ does the trick.
If $4k+1$ is tiresome, then we do $D(4k+2,1),D(4k+4,1),\dots, D(4k+3,4k-1)$ and then the tiresome transposition sequence of $4k+1$, and then do the tiresome transpositions sequence if $5$ on $4k+1$ to $4k+5$. We are done.