No inversion, but this is pretty long and boring.
Case 1: Convex hull is a pentagon, ABCDE. Then, it's easy to see that AB, BC, CD, DE, EA are each part of exactly one separator triangle. Then, AC, BD, CE, DA, EB are each part of at least one. From here, we get 10 edges that are part of separator triangles, so we'll have at least 4 of them. We claim that the number of separator triangles containing AC is either 1 or 3. Consider the angles, ABC, ADC, AEC. If ABC+AEC, ABC+ADC < 180, and, WLOG, AEC < ADC, we have that the only separator triangle among triangles ABC, AEC, ADC is AEC. Similar stuff happens if ABC+AEC, ABC+ADC > 180. The only other case to consider is if, say ABC+AEC<180<ABC+ADC. Then, we see that all three triangles are separator triangles. So of AC, BD, CE, DA, EB, each is part of either one separator triangle or three. Call it super if it's part of 3. Note that given a super diagonal, the triangle directly above it, containing two of the sides of ABCDE, must be a separator triangle. We see that thus there can be at most 2 super diagonals, or else we have 6 sides of the pentagon used in a separator triangle, contradiction. Now, adding, we get at most 10+2(2)=14 sides of separator triangles, so at most [14/3]=4 separators. We know there are at least 4, so there are exactly 4.
Case 2: Convex hull is a quadrilateral, ABCD, with E inside. As in case 1, we get exactly one separator triangle that contains each of AB, BC, CD, DA. Then, we have six other lengths that are part of either 1 or 3 separator triangles. First, consider what happens when AC (or BD) is super. Then, ACE, ACB, ACD are all separator triangles. The only thing left that can be a separator triangle is BED because all of the others contain one of AB, BC, CD, DA, but we see that their separator triangles have already been found. Now, we claim that BED is a separator as well. Note that AECD is a convex quadrilateral. WLOG, BEDA is a convex quadrilateral (that is, E and A are on opposite sides of BD). First, ACD is a separator, so its circumcircle contains E and not B. Thus, ADC+ABC<180. It follows that BAD+BCD>180. Now, BED+BAD>BCD+BAD>180, so the circumcircle of BED contains A. Clearly, it does not contain C, so BED is a separator. This gives us 4 in total. Now, assume AC and BD are not super. Then, the only diagonals that can be super are EA, EB, EC, ED. Say that x of them are super. Then, we have exactly 10+2x edges of separators. This has to be a multiple of 3, so x=1, 4. If x=1, we're done. We show that x=4 is impossible. That is, all of EA, EB, EC, ED are super. This gives us that EAB, EBC, ECD, EDA, EAC, EBD are super, and none ABC, BCD, CDA, DAB can be separators because the separator triangles for AB, BC, CD, DA have already been used up. But let AC and BD meet at P, and WLOG let E be inside PAB. Then, AEB>ACB,ADB, so one of ACB and ADB is a separator triangle, contradiction. Thus, x=1, and we have 4 separators.
Case 3: Convex hull is a triangle, ABC, with D and E inside. WLOG, let BCDE be a convex quadrilateral. DE only forms a convex quadrilateral with one side of ABC, because, if say, BCDE and ACDE are convex quadrilaterals, we have that angle CDE in both quad CDEB and quad CDEA are <180, which is impossible, because these two angles CDE have to sum to 360. Now, for each side AB, BC, CA, there is exactly one separator triangle, and note that ABC is not a separator triangle. Now, the only three triangles left to consider are ADE, BDE, CDE, and we wish to show that exactly one of these is a separator triangle. Note that DAE+DBE<BAC+ABC=180, and similarly DAE+DCE<180. Thus, ADE is not a separator. Furthermore, the circumcircles of BDE and CDE do not contain A. Now, for X={B,C}, exactly one of the circumcircles of XDE contains the other of B and C, and it doesn't contain A, so we have the fourth separator.