Given any positive integer $c$, denote $p(c)$ as the largest prime factor of $c$. A sequence $\{a_n\}$ of positive integers satisfies $a_1>1$ and $a_{n+1}=a_n+p(a_n)$ for all $n\ge 1$. Prove that there must exist at least one perfect square in sequence $\{a_n\}$.
Source: 2020 CMO P5
Tags: number theory, Perfect Square
27.11.2019 19:12
First observe that $p(a_n) \mid a_{n+1}$. Therefore $p(a_{n+1})\ge p(a_n)$. We should also note that $p(a_n)$ gets arbitrarily large as $n$ grows. Let $a_n=b(a_n)p(a_n)$. $p(a_{n+1}) \ge p(a_n)$ implies $$b(a_n)+1 \ge \frac{(b(a_n)+1)p(a_n)}{p(a_{n+1})}=b(a_{n+1}).$$ Therefore the sequence $\{b(a_n)\}$ can't "jump" over any integer. And one can show easily that this sequence is unbounded: Assume on the contrary that $\{b(a_n)\}$ is bounded. This means that for some large $N$ one will have $p(a_N)>\max\{b(a_n)\mid n\in \mathbb{N}\}$. But observe the following: Quote: Lemma. If for some $k$ $p(a_k)>b(a_k)$, then $p(a_{k+1})=p(a_k)$ and therefore $b(a_{k+1})=b(k)+1$. Proof. $a_{k+1}=(b(a_k)+1)p(a_k)$. $b(a_k)+1 \le p(a_k)$, therefore $p(a_k)$ is the greatest prime divisor of $a_{k+1}\square$ By this lemma, we will have $b(a_{N+1})=b(a_N)+1,b(a_{N+2})=b(a_{N+1})+1,\dots,b(a_{N+k})=b(a_{N+k-1})+1$, where for $k$ holds $b(a_{N+k})=p(a_{N+k})=p(a_N)>\max\{b(a_n)\mid n\in \mathbb{N}\}$. Therefore $\{b(a_n)\}$ is unbounded and hits every integer big enough. Therefore for some $N$ we will have $b_N$ be a prime. Now it is pretty straightforward work to show that either ${b(a_N)}^2$ or $p(a_N)^2$ will appear in the sequence. This completes the proof.
27.11.2019 22:25
I am actually not sure if this solution is the same as the one above, but I'll post it anyways Define $b_n = p(a_n) - \frac{a_n}{p(a_n)}$. We prove two lemmas $(1)$ $\{b_n\}$ is eventually positive We will look at how the sequence changes. If $p(a_n) = p(a_{n+1})$ then the next term in sequence will simply increase by one If $p(a_{n+1})>p(a_n)$ we have $b_{n+1} = p(a_{n+1})-\frac{a_{n+1}}{p(a_{n+1})} > p(a_{n}) - \frac{a_{n}}{p(a_{n})}$ and therefore increased by at least one, which makes the sequence strictly increasing so it is eventually positive $(2)$ if for some $n$ we have $b_n>0$, then we will have a square If this is the case we can write $a_n=px$, where $1 \leq x < p$ then $a_{n+1} = (x+1)p$, but no prime greater then $p$ can divide $x+1 \leq p$. This tells us the sequence will eventually end up at $a_{something}=p^2$ which is what we wanted
28.11.2019 15:32
niksic wrote: $(1)$ $\{b_n\}$ is eventually positive We will look at how the sequence changes. If $p(a_n) = p(a_{n+1})$ then the next term in sequence will simply increase by one I'm afraid this is incorrect, the next term will instead decrease by one.
29.11.2019 16:58
A nice blend of discrete continuity and number theory. Congrats to the author for a beautiful problem! Call a positive integer $n$ radioactive if and only if it has a prime factor greater than $\sqrt{n}$. If any radioactive number $np$ where $p>n$ ever appears in the sequence, then the subsequent terms are $(n+1)p$, $(n+2)p$,... thus we will reach $p^2$ soon. Therefore, pretend that none radioactive number ever appears in the sequence. Define $p_n = p(a_n)$ and $b_n = \frac{a_n}{p_n}$. From above we get $b_n > p_n$. Note that $p_n\mid a_{n+1}$ $\implies p_n\leq p_{n+1}$. Thus the sequence $p_n$ is non-decreasing, and it clearly cannot be eventually constant. Thus sequences $\{p_n\}_{n>0}$ and $\{b_n\}_{n>0}$ are both unbounded. Furthermore, note that each increment of the sequence $\{b_n\}_{n>0}$ is at most one since $$b_{n+1}=\frac{a_{n+1}}{p_{n+1}} \leq \frac{a_{n+1}}{p_n} = b_n+1.$$Now, here is the punch line. By discrete continuity, this sequence must hit every prime larger than $b_1$. If $q$ is one such prime and $q=b_n$, then $a_n = qp_n$ is radioactive, contradiction!
29.11.2019 17:59
MarkBcc168 wrote: If any radioactive number $np$ where $p>n$ ever appears in the sequence, then the subsequent terms are $(n+1)p$, $(n+2)p$,... thus we will reach $p^2$ soon. Why?
30.11.2019 07:02
Mockhuynh2501 wrote: MarkBcc168 wrote: If any radioactive number $np$ where $p>n$ ever appears in the sequence, then the subsequent terms are $(n+1)p$, $(n+2)p$,... thus we will reach $p^2$ soon. Why? It's trivial, only see that a radioactive number $n $ can't have two prime factors greater than $\sqrt {n} $. We have that $a_{n+1}=a_n+p (a_n) $ then if appears a radioactive number $a_k=kq $ where $q>k $ see that: $$a_{k+1}=a_k+p (a_k)=kq+q=(k+1)q\implies a_r=rq $$ Since $k <q ~\exists M:k+M=q $ Then let $r=k+M $ and we are done.
30.11.2019 07:49
ComiCabE wrote: First observe that $p(a_n) \mid a_{n+1}$. Therefore $p(a_{n+1})\ge p(a_n)$. We should also note that $p(a_n)$ gets arbitrarily large as $n$ grows. Let $a_n=b(a_n)p(a_n)$. It is obvious that if $p(a_{n+1})> p(a_n)$, then we have $b(a_n)+1 \ge \frac{(b(a_n)+1)p(a_n)}{p(a_{n+1})}=b(a_{n+1})$. And if $p(a_{n+1})=p(a_n)$, then one has $b(a_{n+1})=b(a_n)+1$. Therefore the sequence $\{b(a_n)\}$ can't "jump" over any integer. And one can show easily that this sequence is unbounded: Assume on the contrary that $\{b(a_n)\}$ is bounded. This means that for some large $N$ one will have $p(a_N)>\max\{b(a_n)\mid n\in \mathbb{N}\}$. This is an immediate contradiction since $b(a_{N+1})=b(a_{N})+1>\max\{b(a_n)\mid n\in \mathbb{N}\}$. Therefore $\{b(a_n)\}$ is unbounded and hits every integer big enough. Therefore for some $N$ we will have $b_N$ be a prime. Now it is pretty straightforward work to show that either ${b(a_N)}^2$ or $p(a_N)^2$ will appear in the sequence. This completes the proof. In the CMO I answered this and only got 3 marks out of 21. The marking scheme is so strange that you have to literally follow what the official solution says.
30.11.2019 07:50
Practically no other solutions are allowed.
30.11.2019 08:46
Thank you.
30.11.2019 08:51
mofumofu wrote: Given any positive integer $c$, denote $p(c)$ as the largest prime factor of $c$. A sequence $\{a_n\}$ of positive integers satisfies $a_1>1$ and $a_{n+1}=a_n+p(a_n)$ for all $n\ge 2$. Prove that there must exist at least one perfect square in sequence $\{a_n\}$. We have $$\frac{a_{n+1}}{p(a_{n+1})} =\frac{p(a_n)}{p(a_{n+1})}\left( \frac{a_n}{p(a_n)}+1\right) \leqslant \frac{a_n}{p(a_n)}+1.$$If $\{ a_n/p(a_n)\}$ is bounded, we get that eventually, $a_n=p\cdot c$ for some prime $p>c$. So, $a_{n+p-c}=p^2$. If $\{ a_n/p(a_n)\}$ is unbounded, we get that eventually $a_n/p(a_n)=q$ for some prime $q$. So, $a_{n+|q-p(a_n)|}=\left( \max \{ q,p(a_n)\}\right)^2$.
01.12.2019 16:24
mofumofu wrote: Given any positive integer $c$, denote $p(c)$ as the largest prime factor of $c$. A sequence $\{a_n\}$ of positive integers satisfies $a_1>1$ and $a_{n+1}=a_n+p(a_n)$ for all $n\ge 2$. Prove that there must exist at least one perfect square in sequence $\{a_n\}$. Isn’t this $n\ge 1$? Can anyone check the official papers?
01.12.2019 17:32
02.01.2020 19:24
What a beautiful problem! Here is my solution: Assume to the contrary We call $p(a_n)=p_n$ for simplicity Claim 1:$p_{n+1}\geq p_{n}$ Proof:Since $p_n$ divides $a_{n+1}$ it will be $\leq p_{n+1}$ Claim 2:There cannot exist index n such that $$a_n\leq p^2$$. Proof:If $a_n=p^2$,a contradiction, otherwise assume $a_n=pk, 0\leq k\leq p-1$,Then for every $l:0\leq l\leq p-k,p_{n+l}=p$ and for $l=p-k,a_{n+p-k}=p^2$ again contradiction So $a_n>p_n^2$ for all naturals n. Consider the sequence $b_n=\frac {a_n}{p_n}-p_n$. Clearly every term of this sequence is positive Claim 3:The sequence $<b_n>$ is non increasing. Proof:$\frac {a_{n+1}}{p_{n+1}}=\frac {a_n+p_n}{p_{n+1}}\leq \frac {a_n}{p_n}+1\leq \frac {a_n}{p_n}+p_{n+1}-p_{n}$.This implies the claim. So this implies that there is some positive integer $k$ for all large n such that $a_n=p_n(p_n+k)$.Now we will be only talking about integers satisfying this property If $p_n=p_{n+1}\Rightarrow a_n=a_{n+1}$ a contradiction.So $p_{n+1}>p_{n}$ Also from this we get that $k$ is greater than any term of the strictly increasing sequence of positive integers $<p_i>$,a contradiction. So our assumption is overall contradictory and we are done.
02.11.2020 12:51
For each $n$ let $p_n$ be the largest prime factor of $a_n$, and let $q_n=\frac{a_n}{p_n}$. Then $a_n=p_nq_n$ and $$a_{n+1}=p_n(q_n+1)$$The main claim is CLAIM 1. For each $n\in\mathbb N$ we have either (i) $q_{n+1}=q_n+1$ OR (ii) $q_{n+1}\leq q_n$ Proof. Obviously if $p(q_n+1)<p_n$ then $p_{n+1}=p_n$, hence $q_{n+1}=q_n+1$. Now suppose $p(q_n+1)>p_n$, then $p_{n+1}=p(q_n+1)$. Now we have $$q_{n+1}=\frac{p_n(q_n+1)}{p_{n+1}}$$Hence it suffices to show $$p_n\leq q_n(p_{n+1}-p_n)$$which is true since $p_{n+1}-p_n\geq 1$ and $p_n\leq p(q_n+1)-1\leq q_n+1-1=q_n$ $\blacksquare$ Now suppose that there is no perfect square in the sequence. Notice that the sequence $p_n$ is nondecreasing. Pick a sufficiently large $k$. Let $q$ be the smallest prime greater than $q_k$. CLAIM 2. $q_n\leq q$ for all $n>k$ Proof. Firstly notice that if $p_k>q_k$ then we must have $q_{k+1}=q_k+1$, so eventually $q_{m}=p_k$ and we are done. Hence assume $q_k>p_k$ Suppose on the contrary that $q_n>q$ for some $n$, then from CLAIM 1 we must have $q_m=q$ for some $m$, hence $p_{m+1}=q$ and $q_{m+1}<q$. Now if there exists some $m_1>m$ so that $q_{m_1}=q$ then $a_{m_1}=q^2$, contradiction. By CLAIM 1 we have $q_n\leq q$ for all $n>m$. This proves the CLAIM. $\blacksquare$ Now $q_n$ is bounded above, so $p_n$ must be unbounded (otherwise (i) of CLAIM 1 must happen eventually and $q_n$ will be unbounded), but this is impossible since $p_n<p(q_n)<q$. This completes the proof.
30.11.2020 20:35
I think I have a pretty elegant solution.
06.02.2022 19:29
07.02.2022 10:51
We consider the iterates where the largest prime factor jumps, i.e. $\{ n_k \}$ the iterates such that $p(a_{n_k}) > p(a_{n_k-1})$. To simplify the notation, we denote $p_k = p(a_{n_k})$ and we write $a_{n_k} = b_{k} p_k p_{k-1}$. Claim: $b_k$ is non-increasing, i.e. $b_{k} \ge b_{k+1}$.
Finally we show that $b_k$ will be $1$.
14.03.2022 06:16
Remark that, by definition, $p(a_1) \le p(a_2)\le \cdots$. Write the sequence up to the point at which $p(a_k) < p(a_{k+1})$, so the sequence is $a_1=p_1d_1, a_2 = p_1(d_1+1), \cdots, p_1e_1 = a_{k+1}$. Then there exists some $p_2 \mid e_1$ with $p_1<p_2$. Let $d_2 = p_1 \cdot \frac{e_1}{p_2}$. Define future $p_i,d_i,e_i$ this way. Observe that $e_i \ge p_i$, hence the $e_i$ are unbounded because the sequence of $p_i$ must be infinite and increasing. Let $p$ be the minimal prime larger than $d_1$. There must exist a minimal $e_i\ge p$. If we have $p = e_i$, we are done: after $p_ip$, the following terms are $(p_i+1)p,(p_i+2)p,\cdots,p^2$. So suppose $e_i>p$. As $d_i < e_{i-1} < p$, we see that $p_ip$ is equal to some $a_n$. As $e_i>p$, this means that $p_i > p$. Hence the following terms are $p_i(p+1),p_i(p+2),\cdots,p_i^2$ and we are done.
31.03.2022 00:18
niksic wrote: I am actually not sure if this solution is the same as the one above, but I'll post it anyways Define $b_n = p(a_n) - \frac{a_n}{p(a_n)}$. We prove two lemmas $(1)$ $\{b_n\}$ is eventually positive We will look at how the sequence changes. If $p(a_n) = p(a_{n+1})$ then the next term in sequence will simply increase by one If $p(a_{n+1})>p(a_n)$ we have $b_{n+1} = p(a_{n+1})-\frac{a_{n+1}}{p(a_{n+1})} > p(a_{n}) - \frac{a_{n}}{p(a_{n})}$ and therefore increased by at least one, which makes the sequence strictly increasing so it is eventually positive Seriously... what the hell are you talking about?
28.07.2022 21:39
Let $b_n = \frac{a_n}{p(a_n)}$. Then, since $p(a_{n+1})\ge p(a_n)$, and \[b_{n+1}=(b_n+1)\frac{p(a_n)}{p(a_{n+1})},\]either $p(a_{n+1})= p(a_n)$ and $b_n$ increases by $1$, or $p(a_{n+1})> p(a_n)$ \[\implies b_{n+1}<b_n+1\]\[\implies b_{n+1}\le b_n.\]We claim $b_n$ is unbounded. Suppose it is bounded above by $M$. Note that \[p(a_{n+1})\mid (b_n+1)p(a_n)\]So it follows by induction that $p(a_n)\le \max(M+1,p(a_1))$. So $b_n$ and $p(a_n)$ are bounded, therefore $a_n$ is bounded, which is false. Now, let $p$ be a prime greater than $b_1$ and let $k$ be minimal such that $b_k\ge p$. \[\implies b_{k-1}\le p-1\]\[\implies 1\ge b_k-b_{k-1} \ge p - (p-1) = 1\]therefore $b_k = p$. It now suffices to solve the problem for $a_1 = rs$, with $r<s$ primes. But now it is clear that the sequence will be \[rs,(r+1)s,\dots,s.s\]so we are done.
25.10.2022 16:05
Here is my solution: And I uploaded the solution with motivation to:
19.03.2024 11:39
For the convenience, let $p_n = p(a_n)$ and $b_n = \frac{a_n}{p_n}$. Then we have $a_{n+1} = a_n + p_n$ and $a_n = p_nb_n$ for all $n \ge 1$. Note that $p_n \mid a_{n+1}$. thus $p_{n+1} \ge p_n$ and thus the sequence $(p_n)_{n\ge 1}$ is unbounded. Consider the following claim: Claim: There exists $n$ such that $a_n \le p_n^2$. Proof. Assume the contrary, $a_n > p_n^2$ for all $n \ge 1$. Then we get $b_n > p_n$ for all $n \ge 1$. Note that $b_{n+1} = \frac{a_{n+1}}{p_{n+1}} = \frac{a_n + p_n}{p_{n+1}} \le \frac{a_n + p_n}{p_n} = b_n + 1$, so the sequence $(b_n)_{n \ge 1}$ increases at most 1. Since $b_n > p_n$, thus the sequence $(b_n)_{n \ge 1}$ is unbounded. Combined with the fact that the sequence $(b_n)_{n \ge 1}$ increases at most 1, we see that the sequence $(b_n)_{n \ge 1}$ contains all sufficiently large positive integers. Let $q$ be a large enough prime. Then there exists $n$ such that $b_n = q$. Since $b_n > p_n$, so $p_n = p(a_n) = p(qp_n) = q$, a contradiction. $\blacksquare$ If $a_n \le p_n^2$ for some $n$, then it's not hard to see that the sequence eventually hits $p_n^2$, as needed. $\blacksquare$
28.06.2024 03:49
This kind of NT looks like someone truly cooked ngl. First we let $a_n=r_n \cdot p(a_n)$ for all positive integers $n$ and note that since $p(a_n) \mid a_{n+1}$ we have $p(a_{n+1}) \ge p(a_n)$, now note that we have: $$r_{n+1}=\frac{(r_n+1)p(a_n)}{p(a_{n+1})} \le r_n+1$$Which means that in its range the sequence $r_n$ cannot skip any integer, now suppose FTSOC that $r_n$ was bounded, then back to looking at the $p(a_n)$ we note that we cannot have $p(a_{n+1})=p(a_n)$ happening for some $n>N$ since then at some point we would reach some $a_i=(k+\ell)p(a_n)$ for which $k+\ell$ has a prime divisor greater than $p(a_n)$ (since of course $\ell$ ranges from $1$ to some constant it cover all integers below it), therefore $p(a_{n+1})=p(a_n)$ is slowly going to increase and can become arbitrarily large as we wanted. Now we assumed that there exists $M>r_n$ for all positive integers $n$, so we choose $p(a_i)>M$ (in fact $p(a_{\ell})>M$ is now true for all $\ell \ge i$), now remember how $p(a_i) \mid a_{i+1}$ then $p(a_i) \mid p(a_{i+1})r_{i+1}$, note that if $p(a_{i+1})>p(a_i)$ then $p(a_i) \mid r_{i+1}$ but by size reasons this can't happen so $p(a_i)=p(a_{i+1})$, but now if we repeat this process for $i+1$ we get $p(a_{i+1})=p(a_{i+2})$ and so on but this means that $p(a_n)$ remains constant at some point and thus bounded, which we have seen earlier that such thing cannot happen contradicting $r_n$ bounded, therefore the sequence $r_n$ is unbounded above. Since we have $r_n$ unbounded as well it in fact is now surjective in $\mathbb Z_{>0}$, we will finally use the fact that $p(a_n)$ is the "biggest" prime divisor of $a_n$, now take all indexes $i$ such that $r_i$ is prime, then since $a_i=r_i \cdot p(a_i)$ we must have $p(a_i) \ge r_i$, if $r_i=p(a_i)$ then we get $a_i$ is a perfect square, if $p(a_i)>r_i$ we have that $a_{i+1}=(r_i+1)p(a_i)$, now if $p(a_{i+1}) \ne p(a_i)$ then $p(a_{i+1}) \mid r_i+1$ but then $p(a_{i+1}) \le r_i+1 \le p(a_i)$ so $p(a_{i+1})=p(a_i)$ contradiction!, so $p(a_{i+1})=p(a_i)$ and now $r_{i+1}=r_i+1$ and now $a_{i+2}=(r_i+2)p(a_i)$, if we continue with the same logic you will realice that as long as $r_i+k \le p(a_i)$ we have $p(a_i)$ fixed in the next $k-1$ terms, this of course means that when we reach some $r_i+\ell=p(a_i)$ we would get $a_{i+\ell}=p(a_i)^2$ thus having a perfect square in the sequence and thus we are done .