
Source: Contest "Scoala Cu Ceas" 2008 Seniors Problem 3 (Day 1), approx. IMO Shortlist 2007 Problem C5

Tags: geometry, rectangle, combinatorics, Ramsey Theory, Coloring, IMO Shortlist, RIP mavropnevma

In the Cartesian coordinate plane define the strips $ S_n = \{(x,y)|n\le x < n + 1\}$, $ n\in\mathbb{Z}$ and color each strip black or white. Prove that any rectangle which is not a square can be placed in the plane so that its vertices have the same color. IMO Shortlist 2007 Problem C5 as it appears in the official booklet: In the Cartesian coordinate plane define the strips $ S_n = \{(x,y)|n\le x < n + 1\}$ for every integer $ n.$ Assume each strip $ S_n$ is colored either red or blue, and let $ a$ and $ b$ be two distinct positive integers. Prove that there exists a rectangle with side length $ a$ and $ b$ such that its vertices have the same color. (Edited by Orlando Döhring) Author: Radu Gologan and Dan Schwarz, Romania