
Source: NMTC 2019 Junior P5

Tags: number theory

A math contest consists of $9$ objective type questions and $6$ fill in the blanks questions. From a school some number of students took the test and it was noticed that all students had attempted exactly $14$ out of $15$ questions. Let $O_1, O_2, \dots , O_9$ be the nine objective questions and $F_1, F_2, \dots , F_6$ be the six fill inthe blanks questions. Let $a_{ij}$ be the number of students who attemoted both questions $O_i$ and $F_j$. If the sum of all the $a_{ij}$ for $i=1, 2,\dots , 9$ and $j=1, 2,\dots , 6$ is $972$, then find the number of students who took the test in the school.