
Source: V International Festival of Young Mathematicians Sozopol 2014, Theme for 10-12 grade

Tags: geometry, isogonal lines

Let $\Delta ABC$ be an acute triangle. Points $P,Q\in AB$ so that $P$ is between $A$ and $Q$. Let $H_1$ and $H_2$ be the feet of the perpendiculars from $A$ to $CP$ and $CQ$ respectively. Let $H_3$ and $H_4$ be the feet of the perpendiculars from $B$ to $CP$ and $CQ$ respectively. Let $H_3 H_4\cap BC=X$ and $H_1 H_2\cap AC=Y$, so that $X$ is after $B$ and $Y$ is after $A$. If $XY\parallel AB$, prove that $CP$ and $CQ$ are isogonal to $\Delta ABC$.